
Friday, February 08, 2019

Fosdem 2019

This year I managed for the first time to attend Fosdem in Brussels. Since I started to be involved in open source software I always wanted to go, but somehow something else always came up. This time I made an early effort to book my vacation days, hotel and flight.
I stayed at the Bedford Hotel & Congress Center, which was the worst part of the whole trip. Just avoid it.

I never been to Brussels and for some reason thought it would be a bit of a dump with an European Government ghetto attached. But it is quite the opposite, a very charming town with lots of things to do. I checked out the Atomium, House of European History, Veloseum and the Natural History Museum.
There are many statues, parks and gratifies spread around the city to keep you busy. 
Most of the time I spend walking around the city and checking out the old buildings and cobblestone streets. I obviously also had fries and waffles.

Fosdem is a pretty big conference with many parallel tracks. Because it was my first time I took the easiest path and just stayed in the main room where all the keynotes were happening. Some were more attended than others, but the room was always pretty full. Here is a list of the talks I followed, with a link to the official website, some have the videos already attached. 

FLOSS, the Internet and the Future

Blockchain: The Ethical Considerations 
Very much a high level talk, but presented very well and entertaining.

Mattermost’s Approach to Layered Extensibility in Open Source 
Mostly a commercial for Mattermost, not much about layering. 

Matrix in the French State
What happens when a government adopts open source & open standards for all its internal communication? 
I never heard of matrix before, it looks like a very interesting project and it is cool to see it adapted by the French government. I tried it out myself, but it is still pretty buggy - at least the registration process.

Solid: taking back the Web through decentralization
App development as we know it will radically change
I read about this on . To make this useful in any way it has to be widely adopted, which seems unlikely. Like the semantic web it is a developers dream, that always seems to be in the near future.

The Current and Future Tor Project
Updates from the Tor Project 
Very cool to see how Tor is moving and adapting to allow more people to enjoy privacy. Certainly got me to install the Tor Browser on my mobile and thinking about running a Tor node.

Algorithmic Sovereignty and the state of community-driven open source development
Is there a radical interface pedagogy for algorithmic governementality?

Open Source at DuckDuckGo
Raising the Standard of Trust Online 
For me it still has to go a long way before it can replace Google in my daily life. But it is the default in the Tor Browser, so I’ll see how it goes. They also have some additional tools to help with privacy, which looked pretty useful. 

Crostini: A Linux Desktop on ChromeOS 
An infomercial from Google. 

Open Source C#, .NET, and Blazor - everywhere PLUS WebAssembly 
I planned to use this slot to get some food, but I am glad I didn’t. Very entertaining talk about the portability of C# code all demoed live with use cases in CLI, Web, micro computer and micro controller. I just still have a deep seated mistrust in Microsoft, so I am not ready to look into C#. 

The Cloud is Just Another Sun 
I am worried myself of using cloud services like AWS where I am locked in to some software, but some of the services are just so convenient and cheap that it makes sense for a business. 

2019 - Fifty years of Unix and Linux advances
Maddog giving a very long talk about the history of Unix, it made me feel old and young at the same time.

Friday Links

Keep your dependencies secure and up-to-date with GitHub and Dependabo

Retiring from 'sad' on twitter

The right amount of perfect

Avoiding the Unintended Consequences of Casual Feedback

Executing a Sunset

Snopes quits Facebook's factchecking program amid questions over its impact

It's 2019, and a PNG file can pwn your Android smartphone or tablet: Patch me if you can

Consolidating your website traffic on canonical URLs

Major Zcash Vulnerability Fixed

XING Kubernetes components published as Open Source

Firefox taking a hard line against noisy video, banning it from autoplaying

Facebook's New Privacy Hires

Cisco backs calls for US GDPR

The GIST Board — A New Way to Do Planning and Execution

Report: Developers want clear role requirements

Why we re-designed our engineering career paths at CircleCI

How We Interview Engineers at CircleCI