
Friday, May 27, 2022

Friday Links 22-17

Library in  Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
I have a new job. You can expect more about hiring and communication here in the coming weeks.

My weird hobby topics will continue. 


Leading your engineering team through an unexpected product pivot - Code as Craft is back and it is good. I really liked this one. Pivots are tricky, the ground shifts below you.

Octoverse Spotlight 2021: The Good Day Project—Personal analytics to make your work days better - nothing really news, but using surveys and data to figure out developer happiness 

When Everything is Important But Nothing is Getting Done - a common problem and a good long read about how to fix it

It is not my job - "Glue work vs gap filling" is a great way of describing Staff+ roles 

21 secrets the Scrum Guide doesn’t tell you - "How we cripple Scrum to fit the broken system" - I am not a Scrum purists, but there a lot of good stuff here 

Everything You Need to Know About Answering Behavioral Interview Questions - this is more for the interviewee, but a good introduction to behavioural questions 

Asynchronous Communication is the Great Leveler in Engineering - not much new, just a good summary


Stupid RCU Tricks: Is RCU Watching? - I can't stop myself from reading posts about Linux internals! (til: Livejournal is still a thing)

What happened to Perl 7? - I did forget about it! I really don't use Perl much any more. It is such a fun language though. 

747 Hackathon - security researches are clearly having too much fun!

Schneier on security for tomorrow’s software [Podcast] - Bruce Schneier is great. This is the first time I hear him in a podcast and I like how down to earth and humble he is.


Toxic particles from brakes to be included in ‘Euro 7’ emission rules - still missing tires 


Crash Course - words matter

Random Books

a book like {foo} - book recommender and recommender for books outside your bubble: Break the Bubble!

Bikes4Ukraine - crowdfunding sends bikes to Lviv, Ukraine [YouTube] - cool initiatives, but it doesn't look like the crowd funding is going anywhere - well, that's depressing

Classic Desert Island Discs - George Michael [Podcast] - I don't think I listed to this one the first time around, really good and what a guy!

How can we live an ethical life? [Podcast] - great interview with the Philosopher Peter Singer

The 6 Horizons of Focus - it has been a long time since I read GTD and I completely forgot about the horizons, this is a good reminder

More Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday Links 22-16

Cassette mix desk with Japanese caption
Cassette Mix Deck
I skipped last week because I was on the bicycle. 

Sorry about the length today and the many podcasts. I had a lot of listening time.


TBM 22/52: The Perfect Manager/Leader - "I see people putting themselves under so much pressure to be the perfect manager or leader."

Radical Candor S4. Ep 7: Radically Candid Conversations — Kim Scott & Russ Laraway [Podcast] - this was a good episode of that podcast. I like that he doesn't care about the difference between leadership and management any more :-)

From PayPal Mafia to Viral Startups: How David Sacks Leads Growth at Iconic Companies (with David Sacks, General Partner at Craft Ventures) - some really good tips on leadership and what not to worry about 

The great tech hiring slowdown - it hasn't quite reached Europe yet

Resources for leading through crises - collection of Lara Hogan's post related to this. Good to keep bookmarked as there will be more crises.

Productivity Focus - productivity should be only a tools towards another goal 

What do great engineering managers need to know about compensation and equity? - I have been in salary band & career path meetings again :-)


Mitigating cognitive bias when coding [Podcast] - interesting to see how biases can change our approach to programming problems

Rust: A Critical Retrospective - my learning of Rust has sadly grind to a halt 

Using Scientist to Refactor Critical Ruby on Rails Code - apparently I landed at another Ruby shop ... expect more Ruby links

The 5 Categories of Engineering Metrics - quick overview

Episode #6: Paying Back Technical Debt With Help From Metrics - interesting to include "onboarding lead time" in there. I can definitely see that. 

Shopify Invests in Research for Ruby at Scale - good to see 

3 Reasons OKRs Are Great For Software Engineering Teams (And Some Drawbacks) - "Writing good OKRs is difficult" ... this is probably where most teams fail


Are we in denial? is Work From Anywhere our destiny? [Podcast] - I am fully remote now, but Raj mentions how important seeing each other regularly is. Lets call it extreme hybrid. 

Bay View is open — the first campus built by Google - meanwhile in office news...


Saudi Aramco eclipses Apple to once again become the world's most valuable company - the climate crisis is going well

The ‘carbon bombs’ set to blow up the world’s climate pledges [Podcast] - we should just give ... or did we give up already?


Detective Superintendent Andy Cox [Podcast] - every city should have an Andy Cox. He does such a great job of communicating the problems of bad driving

Peaje Urbano - Barcelona '22 [Catalan] - a couple of organizations in Barcelona a lobbying for a city toll 

How to Learn About Other People's Obscure Interests [Comic] - crossover with Not Just Bikes :-)

Why Do So Many Motorists Feel Persecuted When In Reality They Rule The World? - two words: "entitlement" "privilege" 

Kidical Barcelona - just brilliant, now lets normalize it and let them cycle everywhere every day 

Urban Growth Boundaries: Effective or Worthless? [YouTube] - this comes up in London regularly if I remember correctly. I didn't know that some cities treat these boundaries as expandable 

The Gym of Life [YouTube] - if your city allows you to walk/cycle everywhere you don't need a gym

Car-free neighborhoods share simple patterns: key design tips [YouTube] - these look so cool

Can Sustainable Suburbs Save Southern California? - no

The Struggle of Living in NYC [YouTube] - partly applies to London too, though London is way better than NYC

Random Mixes

FULL CASSETTE | ALL GENRE MIX set | ooedotechnica [YouTube] - what is this brilliant piece of magic! A fricking cassette tape mix machine!

Is your identity keeping you from change? [Podcast] - turns out my coach has a podcast! This is a topic that I have been thinking about recently. I always introduce myself as "programmer", but that isn't even true any more. Times of change are also times to invent yourself. 

Is Emotional Intelligence Really So Important? | No Stupid Questions [Podcast] - I am a bit critical of EI, often it seems to be used to say "shut up and deal with it"

HMV No 11 Gramophone Pick-up Restoration [YouTube] - how has this guy only a 1000 subscribers? He is brilliant! 

How Vladimir Putin rejuvenated Nato [Podcast] - he is good for something!

Marcos’ myths: the dictator’s son rewriting history in the Philippines [Podcast] - I am so sorry for my friends in the Philippines. And the current president was awful too. 

RIP the iPod. I resisted you at first, but for 20 years, you were my musical life - I was very close to buy some mp3 player or a Walkman, but a mobile is just too convenient. I do hate streaming though.  

NFT sales plummet 92% as market ‘collapses’ - I hope this continues. I predicted it should have happened earlier ... so don't ask me for advice 

Strava: Mark Gainey and Michael Horvath [Podcast] - how Strava got to be


Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, May 06, 2022

Friday Links 22-15

Renault R5 Turbo car
R5 Turbo
This week I loved the article about the Single Threaded Owner. 

Or if you want something to listen to: The Sistine Chapel discussed at In Our Time.


Your migration probably isn’t failing due to insufficient staffing.  - there are so many things to go wrong that I question the wisdom of doing them at all. 

Dan Coyle can fix your culture [Podcast] - I quite like the book, this is good too

20 Things I've Learned as a Systems (Over) Thinker - nice list, for all over thinkers

Hold the Mirror, Don’t Paint the Picture: How to Lead an Experienced Team and Coach Underperformers (with David Hanrahan, Chief Human Resource Officer at Eventbrite) [Podcast] - "hire as senior as possible" - interesting

Implementing Amazon's single threaded owner model a retrospective - putting a name to it. I might go for a dual legged stool model (EM + PO) though.


Announcing the Hare programming language - apparently you can never have enough languages ... now they will have to create a whole new parallel ecosystem. again.

GCC 12.1 Released - 35 years! I was working on a hack to use GCC for parallel programming in university. I had no idea what I was doing. 

Backblaze Drive Stats for Q1 2022 - Star Wars Day edition 

The future of Linux: Fedora project leader Matthew Miller weighs in - interesting titbits, distributions are having a very difficult job today


Our design to live and work anywhere and Live and Work Anywhere initiative - AirBnB going hybrid


From August 30th, Paris, France, almost the whole city is restricted to 30km/h - Paris is doing everything right

#Autokorrektur: Katja Diehl über die Mobilitätswende, Menschen ohne Führerschein und Identitätspolitik [Podcast, German] - more from the author of Autokorrektur. I hope there will be an English translation soon 

‘It’s just more and more lanes’: the Texan revolt against giant new highways - one more will fix it!

Random Cars

Chris Harris Drives The Renault 5 Turbo 1 [YouTube] - this was my dream car growing up. They are a bit expensive now and not very practical.

On the Ground in Ukraine and Beyond [Podcast] - good stuff on Ukraine and one of the most depressing topics at the moment. (The ads are super annoying since they moved to iheart)

Michael Horvath: the Strava co-founder who’s pacing himself - it is such a great tool and company in my opinion. Especially since he took over the CEO role again.

One down, 39,136 to go: the explorers who walk every street in their city - completionism at its best

Why We Relaunched Code as Craft - good to see them back, this used to be one of my favourite blogs

‘It was the poor man’s studio’: how Amiga computers reprogrammed modern music - more nostalgia

Personal Knowledge Management is Bullshit - yes, but it is better than my brain

The Sistine Chapel [Podcast] - I learned so many new things. Great episode.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.