
Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday Links 24-05

DeLorean car from side with doors open
by Kevin Abato from Wikipedia

The two leadership podcasts are good this week, both about trust.

I also like the Vision Pro review.


Trust and Inspire With Stephen M.R. Covey 6 | 5  [Podcast] - pretty good episode with a guest talking about trust. 

Jacob Morgan, 5x Best-Selling Author & Futurist [Podcast] - "Futurists" are always suspicious. His premise that being vulnerable without leading doesn't help. 

The PROBLEM With DORA Metrics [YouTube] - besides being just metrics, they also just measure a tiny part of the creation process.


(Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup - that is white an extensive list!

I worry our Copilot is leaving some passengers behind - "Why do we accept a product that not only misfires regularly, but sometimes catastrophically?"

Let Me Tell You A Secret - "Ask the Senior Engineers about problems … then tell Leadership about it"

Mastering Programming - Kent Beck's high-level approach. Many good tips in there.


More Lanes are (Still) a Bad Thing [YouTube] - in case you don't know yet.

Seville's Cycling Revolution, 10 times more cycling in 4 years [YouTube] - if you build it, they will come. 

When cycling is 'normalized but marginalized' [YouTube] - true, in many places, and depressing

Train your brain - people don't die of the things you think they die off, and definitely not peanuts.

Random DeLorean

Driving sideways to move forward: Stanford engineers show how an autonomous, drifting DeLorean can improve driver safety - of course you use a DeLorean.

‘You can get home for the 10 o’clock news’: UK ravers fall in love with daytime clubbing - It's music for old people after all.

The Curious Mr. Feynman [Podcast] - profile of one of the Manhattan Project people. He seemed fun.

Tear Down Walls, and Build Bridges - the current Fediverse storm.

Cycling with Apple Vision Pro: The Future? [YouTube] - summary: indoors good, outdoors bad

soundalike - I thought I clean up my music collection again. This doesn't quite work. 

France halts €100-a-month electric car leasing scheme after huge demand - people do want electric cars for reasonable prices. 

RSS is still pretty great - yes! I wonder if anyone is following this blog via RSS/Atom.

The best Bookshops to visit in Amsterdam - I am going soon. 

All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro - great review. I want something like this, but it has to be open, and not by Apple.

I went into a bit of a tea temperature rabbit hole. These are just part of it:

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, February 09, 2024

Friday Links 24-04

Gummy bears sorted in cups by colours
I seem to have fewer links recently. 

Just check them all out. :-) 


A lesson from Richard Feynman for Engineering Leaders - I like the concept of Type 1 and Type 2 collaboration. The article is a bit unstructured at first, but comes with some practical strategies at the end.

Front-end Versus Back-end - Kent Beck about why there is a different working style between them and how to bring them together.


Gradually gradually typing Elixir [Podcast] - all dynamic languages seem to acquire types at some point. 


Mutant wolves living in Chernobyl disaster are evolving ability to fight cancer - I haven't decided yet if this a good thing or not.


Parisians vote in favour of tripling parking costs for SUVs - Paris is still leading the way.

Random Colours

New AI paint colors - training AI to name colours. This is a fun website overall.

Live at the Liquid Room, Tokyo  - the Wizard at his peak.

Report: Arlington’s first guaranteed income pilot boosted quality of life for poorest residents - "Individuals who received the stipend reported increasing their monthly income by 36%, from $1,200 to $1,640, compared to the control group, whose income only rose 9%."

Today in Assassination Coordinates: Taylor Swift jumps on the Streisand train. 

Keeping todo items in org-roam - I am in that rabbit hole right now. I am currently using just org-agenda mixed with org-roam.

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Friday Links 24-03

Atari 1200XL home computer

A quick one today. I especially recommended the articles about productivity tools and over-meeting culture.


4 Productivity Tools I Use Everyday - I like that this is not about the tools that you buy, but how you use them.

Yes, You Should Estimate Software Projects - back in the good old days when teams were still doing time estimates, I truly enjoyed it when I got them right. 

Psychological Affordances Can Provide a Missing Explanatory Layer for Why Interventions to Improve Developer Experience Take Hold or Fail [Paper] - highly dependent on the culture of the company and the messaging. 

The Root of Over-Meeting Culture - "252% increase in time spent in meetings [since February 2022]"

Michael Bungay Stanier, Author of #1 Bestselling Book ‘The Coaching Habit,’ on How to Work With (Almost) Anyone [Podcast] - I loved the coaching book, I'll give this a try too. There is also a website for it


Catalonia declares drought emergency, extending restrictions to Barcelona - I said I wouldn't include depressing news anymore, but here is one anyway. This was expected. At some point, they will have to restrict water for private households in Barcelona.

Analysis: Clean energy was top driver of China’s economic growth in 2023 - meanwhile Europe is being left behind. 

Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages - short version: compiled wins, interpreted looses.

Random Atari

Atari Coding Fonts - I wonder if the Amiga / TI99/4A fonts are available somewhere? - "stream free text-based movies in your terminal"

Looking ahead to Emacs 30 [LWN] - I also learned about EditorConfig in the comments!

Apple, the DMA, and malicious compliance - Apple still being the New Microsoft.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.