
Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Links 24-19

Philips D8444 stereo radio recorder (boombox, ghettoblaster)
Clearing up my backlog again!

A lot of fun stuff in the random section. I did enjoy the podcast about getting or not getting into Berghain, and the one about the Stereophonic play.
The ongoing research into the XZ backdoor also continues to be interesting.


Seven Conversation Hacks - some of this is harder, when working remote.

The route to better culture? Better managers - mostly quoting research.

The State of Teams - Atlassian data.

TBM 295: Going Deep  - "There is a thoughtful way to connect with your team, mentor, and coach and give useful feedback. It takes time and energy. By all means, be good managers."

Sharing Our Latest Culture Memo - from Netflix - "People over Process: Our goal is to inspire and empower more than manage because employees have more impact when they’re free to make decisions about their own work." 


XZ backdoor: Hook analysis - more analysis on how that attack was supposed to work. 

The Trough of Despair - it will get worse, before it gets better. 

Urbanism / Transport

Germany's autobahn bridges falling apart - here is an idea: if you can't maintain your infrastructure, try building less

Is it even a city? [YouTube] - "Everything is just so … available"

What is the future of Barcelona’s Superblocks? - model for other cities, fighting for survival in Barcelona. 

I Rode the Craziest Trains in Japan [YouTube] - I'll take the bicycle train, please.

Lebensadern für Velofahrerinnen [German] - Utrecht's way to a better city. 


Why is defending forests so deadly? [Podcast] - first I thought this was about South America, but this is in Europe!

How Spain's tourism industry is dealing with drought - not well! 

‘Whack-a-mole situation’: Algerian officials wrestle with water shortage anger - the water wars are coming! 

BHP rejects hydrogen and hybrids, will go straight to electric for giant haul trucks - meanwhile some politicians continue to sell us hydrogen as the future. 

Solar modules deployed in France in 1992 still provide 79.5% of original output power - as batteries, they last longer than expected. 

Too much of a good thing? Spain's green energy can exceed demand - we need more electric consumers (cars, factories, ...)

Random Boomboxes

Sharp's Back-to-Back Boombox mixtape madness [YouTube] - should I have a separate cassette section every week? Better not. 

Tape Player/Recorder Diy - Final Circuit and Demo [YouTube] - building a tape head from scratch.

The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away - some gamers are weird.

How I Stopped Fearing Boredom [Podcast] - boredom is the best! Or just call it the slack between the busy times. 

Overnight Success: How the founders of Kona Bikes saved their company [Podcast] - sounds like a bunch of hippies … nice.

592. How to Make the Coolest Show on Broadway [Podcast] - I am not a fan of plays or musicals, but this sounds intriguing. I did like the Fleetwood Mac documentary.

Why didn’t Chris and Dan get into Berghain? (Part 1)  & Why didn’t Chris and Dan get into Berghain? (Part 2) [Podcast] - I don't get the hype about Berghain. This is well told and funny. 

Falling Sand - want to waste some time, here you go …

SANDTRIS - you have more time, here you go …

How TED talks became the Picotop of millennial intellectualism - I noticed that I haven't seen any TED talks in a long time.

‘Thought Leader’ gives talk that will inspire your thoughts | CBC Radio (Comedy/Satire Skit) [YouTube] - and now that I have seen this, I can never unsee it for future TED talks.

Style Different Fonts [Instagram Reel] - quite fun for font fans.

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Links 24-18

Polaroid photo and camera
I really love the photograph series in the random section, it is a great concept.

The videos about the busiest train station and buying a train are also great … if you like trains.


Beyond 'Sorry': How to Apologize and Mean It 6 | 22  [Podcast] - most apologies are just deflections.

TBM 293: Where More Effective Product Teams Spend More (and Less) Time - "Navigating proxies" - good collection!


Story: From Burnout to Breakthrough  [Podcast] - I didn't know about Hedy before, it sounds quite interesting. The origin story is well told.

Regexle - who doesn't like regexes? 

The Documentation Tradeoff - "Nobody _wants_ documentation. They want to know enough to change the code quickly"

New York Times source code stolen using exposed GitHub token - oops!


Whose Truth?: Climate change denial  [Podcast] - part of a BBC series about misinformation.

Swiss parliament defies ECHR on climate women's case - Swiss being Swiss.


Galway City produces local version graphic showing space used by transport modes

I Visited the World's Busiest Train Station [YouTube] - three million!

Rushing to McDonald’s, sneaking into Trump Tower: the desperate struggle to find a public toilet in New York - a problem in most cities. 

Decoding the 15-Minute City Debate: Conspiracies, Backlash, and Dissent in Planning for Proximity - conspiracies are always weird, but this one is the weirdest.

Random Photographs

A Black photographer added himself to places where history didn’t want him - so cool.

591. Signs of Progress, One Year at a Time  [Podcast] - fun stories, some I knew already.

Whose Truth?: Russia v Ukraine [Podcast] - another episode in this series

Death from the Skies, Musk Edition - filling the sky with satellites and the ground with rubbish.

Will a personality test cost you your dream job? - "workplace horoscopes"

I Got My Own Train [YouTube] - everyone's dream.

It’s another Guardian Blind date wedding! How a lockdown love story ended in ‘I do’ - yes, I am a sucker for Guardian's blind dates, and especially the successful ones.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday Links 24-17

Book cover: Commodore Amiga a visual Commpendium

The leadership antipatterns are quite good, so is the video about a new development in Amsterdam.


Product Coaching with Petra Wille  [Podcast] - coaching not agile coaches.

Briefly: Anonymous Questions - how to set up Q&As as a leader

Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders — Lessons From Stripe, Uber & Carta - #3 being a shit-umbrella 


What to Know Before You Implement Public-Facing APIs - I still think versioning APIs is overrated.

Sharing details on a recent incident impacting one of our customers - "we left auto-delete on"


A year on, Spain’s ‘historic’ menstrual leave law has hardly been used. Why? - unsurprising, I hope this will improve.

Offsites, huh - the bigger you are, the harder they will be


Mayor fined €100 for riding on street where cycling is banned by the council, while shooting ‘cycle to work’ video to encourage cycling in Barcelona - I never realised there were roads like this in Barcelona ... you never stop learning things you don't want to know.

The $1.8 Billion Plan for Amsterdam [YouTube] - bloody Amsterdam, making everything so nice!

Are the Suburbs Getting Worse?* [YouTube] - yes, in the US

Random Amigas

AmigaPCI - a new Amiga compatible board based on PCI

New Electronics Workshop Tour [YouTube] - I don't understand all the toys, but I want them.

interviewcopilot - I expect some fun future interviews!

On Fire Drills and Phishing Tests - I had an article about this last week, this is the original "You can’t “fix” people, but you can fix the tools."

Drum N Bass in CommonLisp  [YouTube] - groovy 

Spain fines budget airlines €150m over ‘abusive’ cabin bag and seat charges - I am boycotting Ryanair, but the others are pretty bad too.

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.