
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fedora and PHP QA

After hearing again about many QA tools at the 2009 PHP Barcelona conference I decided that it would be nice if these would be available through packages on Fedora (and through EPEL on RHEL).

Turns out that the most important ones were already packaged, some needed a new packager, some were waiting for review and a few still need to be packaged.

Here are the once already available, with the packager name:
  • php-phpunit-bytekit (llaumgui)
  • php-phpunit-phpcpd (llaumgui)
  • php-phpunit-phploc (llaumgui)
  • php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer (cdamian)
  • php-pear-PhpDocumentor (cdamian)
  • php-pear-PHPUnit (xulchris) (this will soon be renamed to php-phpunit-PHPUnit)
These are waiting for review:
  • php-pdepend-PHP-Depend (cdamian)
  • php-phpmd-PHP-PMD (cdamian)
These don't seem to have packages at all:
  • php-phpunit-phpdcd
  • php-phpunit-phpUnderControl
  • php-phpunit-PHP_CodeBrowser
  • phpanalysis
  • padawan
  • arbit
Because EPEL is limited to the rather ancient PHP version of RHEL it sometimes contains older versions of the packages available in Fedora. It might be time for a community supported repository for PHP 5.3, for people who don't want to live on the bleeding edge with Remi.

Another thing missing is a package for a continuous integration software like Hudson, arbit or CruiseControl. The reason for this is that they are either really difficult to install or package or are still very much in a alpha version. We are using hudson at work and they do provide a RPM, but it is less than perfect. Arbit looks promising, but probably needs a few more months to be at least in a beta stage.

Give me a shout if there is a package I missed.


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