
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Moving on...

I have confess that this was shorter than I would have thought or wished for, but Thursday is my last day at Splendia.

Splendia is a very different company from my previous employer Softonic. While Softonic has all the perks and advantages of a big successful company with a large development team.

Splendia is much smaller and when I arrived the whole team had just arrived too and was confronted with a "legacy" code base.

The amount we managed to do in this year is just amazing and this wouldn't have been possible without the brilliant team. Fernando (the CTO when I started), recruited very well and made everyone fit in right away.

We changed everything, from introducing scrum sprints, going from zero to 3000 unit tests, re-factoring big parts of the system, continuous integration, functional testing and everything else you expect from a modern Internet company. I gave a talk at WeLovePHP last weekend, which talked about all of this.

I leave because of changes in the structure of the company and because I have the opportunity to join an exciting new project.

More about this when I have started...

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