
Monday, January 04, 2016

New Year Resolutions 2016

It's that time of the year, when everyone makes empty promises to themselves. And I don't want to skip this important tradition. The last one I did was in 2012, which seems like a long time ago.

Usually these are along the lines of sporty stuff or loosing weight. I have already stopped drinking alcohol and coffee end of last year and I am doing two hours of activity (as tracked by google fit) already. And nobody will stop me cycling too much anyway.

There are also some things I promise I won't do this year: going vegan, stop gluten intake or low-carb.

Still, some of these might be unexpected.

Yoga Everyday

I have started this end of last year, mostly for the relaxing aspect. I might seem quite chilled, but there seems to be some manic person inside that needs to be dealt with. Additionally I want to have some more flexibility to counteract all the time spend sitting in front of computers or on the bicycle.

Cycling Mini Adventures 

I cycle a lot, but usually I am doing the roads around Barcelona and repeat the same ones quite often. In 2016 I want to put more effort on discovering new roads and doing road trips to other places. Some of these will be sportives, others just short trips. I would love to see more of the Pyrenees and maybe Majorca. I also never been to the Alps. 

So far I have in the calendar:
  • GFNY Barcelona
  • Velothon Stuttgart
  • Gran Fondo Mussarra
  • Visiting Tour de France in Andorra

Draw something every day

For relaxing and to learn a new skill. I used to scribble a lot when I was young, but my first computer put a stop to this. Now I am putting a use to all my Moleskins and draw something every day. The goal is to be able to draw a recognisable person and face by the end of the year. This will be comic style and not overly realistic. 
No, I am not publishing what I have done already. 

Blog once a month

This seems to be a low target, but judging by three posts last year it might not be. 
But this is the first one, so I can relax for the rest of the month! 

12 Books

I have no idea how I am going to find the time. There is just not enough time left in the day where I can sit down and not be interrupted. But I have set my goal on goodreads, and will see how it goes. 
I am happy about any suggestions, especially sci-fi or crime novels. Non fiction books have to be extremely good to convince me.
Audio-books don't count, it is just not the same. 

Some of these commitments mean that I will have to reduce time in other areas, unsubscribing from podcasts is the first step.

Have a happy new year everyone!

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