
Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday Links

Saying no.

#to_s or #to_str? Explicitly casting vs. implicitly coercing types in Ruby

How Bosses Waste Their Employees’ Time

Dali Clock Emularity

How Etsy Localizes Addresses

The kernel's code of conduct, one week later [LWN subscriber-only content]

10 things I learned from Jason Fried about Building Products

Win at quarterly planning by avoiding these OKRs mistakes

A sysadmin's guide to containers

#noprojects - A Culture of Continuous Value

GitHub: Stricter validation coming soon in the REST API

Inside Google’s original garage, 1998-style

5 cool tiling window managers

How a grantee is testing new approaches to global aid

T-shaped knowledge is hokum

Linus Torvalds: 'I'll never be cuddly but I can be more polite'

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