
Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday Links

This week Garmin exploded, the UK decided that cycling isn't so bad after all, remote working is still a thing


When We Need to Move Quickly We Work in Task Forces. Here’s How We Set Them Up - Kind of common sense, but as usual it is interesting how Buffer approaches it.

Zef’s Razor - I am going to spoil it: "People have good intentions" - this applies to live in general I guess

More Uninterrupted Time At Work for You and Your Organization - good summary about what you and your organization can do to reduce interruptions


The State of Ruby 3 Typing - Is it just me or does this look awful and awkward?

A long list of GRUB2 secure-boot holes
- this looks painful and you might not want to update your CentOS / RHEL yet.

Mycroft: an open-source voice assistant - this doesn't seem to fix the privacy issues and there are seem to be some problems with the company as whole

Highlights from Git 2.28 - default branch can be something besides 'master' now, speed ups with bloom filters and small feature improvements  

Remote working

The Implications of Working Without an Office - “What impact has working from home had on productivity and creativity?”

Google employees will work from home until at least summer 2021 - with the state the States are in at the moment this is not really surprising, it will be interesting to see how this will shape Silicon Valley in the future. 

Our remote work future is going to suck - it will probably suck, for some people more than others and the jury is still out if it will suck more or less than office work


A COVID-19 story in Amsterdam written by bike - Lot of photos. I love the one titled "Heavy Police presence during COVID-19"

Sant Cugat finançarà el 50% de la compra de bicicletes - small city close to Barcelona is supporting bike purchases, they also used the opportunity of the current crisis to expand their cycling network

Dutch city redraws its layout to prepare for global heating effects - with governments doing not a lot it is up to cities to react, this is happening all over the world

France to ban heated terraces in cafes and bars - I think they are also regulating air conditioning, but I can't find it now.

There seems to be a change coming in the UK with a new "cycling revolution", though this doesn't seem to be backed up with new money.

Random Flights

Microsoft’s Flight Simulator is a ticket to explore the world again - I used to play this on the Amiga back in the day. When I say "play" I mean: lift off, fly for ages over a landscape that always looks the same and then crash into the ground when trying to land. I wonder if this runs on anything i have.

Amazon is a perfectly OK company, to the extent that planetary-scale sprawling corporate behemoths can be perfectly OK in 2020. Which is to say, not OK at all.
Garmin was targeted by a ransomware attack. Nobody is quite sure if they handled it well or not. There was a definitely a lack of communication during the outage from Thursday to Monday! It is also not clear if they paid the ransom, which would be illegal in the US.
In Japan, a cyberstalker located his victim by enhancing the reflections in her eye, and using that information to establish a location.
Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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