
Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday Links

Engineering Management

How to Structure Teams for Building Better Software Products - the book is on my long to-read list, but this post is already a good summary

How Facebook kept the lights on when the world went remote [Webinar] - series of upcoming webinars about facebook going remote

Creating & Achieving Goals [Podcast] - about setting clear goals and OKRs, probably one of the hardest subjects

#96 Randall Stutman: The Essence of Leadership [Podcast] - some good tips from a leadership coach 

Take Some Time Off (We Mean It!) [Podcast] - I know what I would do with unlimited paid time off :-) But maybe it really isn't that easy. There is also clearly a different culture between the USA and Europe 

Rapid Response: A virtual-first workplace, w/Dropbox's Drew Houston [Podcast] - TIL: even experienced companies plan one year into the future without having any data


 - the LTN experiments in the UK are fun to watch from afar. You get the usual opposition and arguments.

Why a plan to cut pollution is making people across England so angry
[Podcast] - even more about the LTNs, though I would argue that they are more about the quality of living than just the air quality 

How Suburban Development Makes American Cities Poorer [YouTube] - You would think that they would learn over time. 

Un nou carril bici culminarà la humanització d’Aragó
[Catalan] - one of the biggest roads through Barcelona and probably the one with the most traffic is getting a bike lane. This is well appreciated and I will use it the first day I am back in town 

Bikes, pedestrians and the 15-minute city: How the pandemic is propelling urban revolutions - another great article summarising how the fundemic is changing cities

The Superblocks of Barcelona [YouTube] - Mikael reporting about Barcelona's superblocks 

Random Doodle

10 Things I Learned By Doodling For 100 Days Straight - this is great. I should doodle more. I can't remember the last time. There are also good responses on twitter.

RIP Google Music, one of the company’s last examples of generosity
- Spotify is not the solution though

Leap Second news - leap seconds are my second favourite weird time based technology thing after tzdata!

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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