
Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Links

Ikea Catalogue 1969
Extra section for the mess that is happening with CentOS at the moment. Thanks Red Hat! Lots of good other stuff too.

Engineering Management

Weak and strong team concepts. - I am all for focus on teams, when you can. Good summary from Will Larson as usual. 

Working From Home During a Pandemic: A Tale of Two Cities - "In the end, it looks like we are doing more and for longer. Some people are loving WFH. Some hate it. Productivity is personal and work from home is personal."

Evolution of my role as a founder CTO - great personal insight from a founder into CTO and VPE roles in a growing startup

Das Scrum Guide 2020 Update [Podcast][German] - good summary of the changes to the scrum guide in this years update 

The Rise of Knowledge Work, and its Structure and Dynamics [Podcast] - good discussion about the aspects of team and knowledge work. I just wish Gene Kim would stop with the non-stop military references.  

How to Stay Aligned in the Midst of a Collaboration Revolution with Bruce Tulgan, CEO of RainmakerThinking [Podcast] - never heard of Bruce Tulgan, but I like his focus on communication with the team, peers and managing up


Setting Up AppSignal Monitoring for a Ruby on Rails Application - we switched to AppSignal for cost reasons, but I am super happy with their service. They now also do JavaScript and Elixir.

Bash 5.1 and Readline 8.1 released - I have to confess I never check for new features in bash and I have been using it since I started with Linux iirc.  
The future of 32-bit Linux  - [LWN] probably around for a bit longer and it isn't just about x86 
Game UI Database  - clearly this should exist for other app categories and even websites.

The CentOS Saga

Red Hat decided that CentOS can't continue as is. People are upset. I am sad. 

I am a Red Hat fanboy and have been using Red Hat Linux, Fedora, RHEL and CentOS since the 90s. I also used to be a Fedora Contributor when I still had the time. 

Let's hope that a fork like Rocky Linux takes over the torch.

Random Catalogues

Ikea to stop printing catalogue after 'successful career' that spanned 70 years - first they take the phone-books and now this! I was always looking forward to browse the new one every summer. Even if it was just the PDF version. I hope they improve the website and especially the apps, they are awful.

You Aren’t Owed An Audience For Your Feedback - Kent Beck is more than the inventor of XP! Great to see him stand up against the bros.

Cities can lead a green revolution after Covid. In Barcelona, we're showing how by Ada Colau - I usually have the rule to ignore "opinion" section on websites, because they lack any filter. I am just going to make an exception, because she is Barcelona's mayor.

Other Links

  • Weekly Edition for December 10, 2020 [Paywall] -  Not so much a link collection, but if you are interested in Linux and/or open source you should support them. You can look at last weeks issue, which is free. I share a lot of stuff from them.
  • Tim Bray Long Links - lots of good stuff, a lot about the election and better summarized than I am able to  
  • Links #30 - I met Ben through LunchClub and quite enjoy his blog and art

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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