
Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday Links 21-16

Photo of Marvin the Paranoid Android
Marvin the Paranoid Android
I got distracted by the basecamp dumpster fire a bit.

Besides that some good long reads and podcasts on technology and random topics. 


Managing Hybrid Teams: How to Keep Your Team Engaged and Productive [Podcast] - hybrid is probably the future for most teams. Ellen gives some insight how they are handling it.

Leadership at basecamp had a public meltdown and it played out on Twitter. I always have been critical of their books and egos, but they also had a lot of good ideas.

Let's Talk About Bullying In Remote Workplaces [Podcast] - how timely! 

I can’t sell Agile to you (And nobody else can either) - try out stuff, include people, learn


How we ship code faster and safer with feature flags - at GitHub 

Print Debugging Should Go Away - the future of debuggers (for some languages) looks bright, maybe I will have another look 

How to actually test UIs - great overview on different types of UI testing


Atlassian / Jira has some interesting new products

An Interview With Linus Torvalds: Linux and Git - 30 Years Of Linux. I couldn't get it to run on my Amiga back then, but I jumped on it in 95 or so.

Crypto miners are killing free CI - burn the planet!

Today in Mark of the Beast news - about Apple AirTags, which seem to be annoyingly well designed 

When AIs Start Hacking - oh no


German climate law is partly unconstitutional, top court rules - Friday for Future is really making changes

‘Historic’ German ruling says climate goals not tough enough - more on this from The Guardian

Logitech Now Shows Your Mouse's Carbon Footprint on its Packaging - cool idea, makes me think twice the next time I just replace a mouse for a more fancy version


The Ugly, Dangerous, and Inefficient Stroads found all over the US & Canada [ST05] [YouTube] - I would argue that we have some of these in Europe too

Random Moody Robots

Killer farm robot dispatches weeds with electric bolts - I need this! 

Ranked: The Most Popular Paid Subscription News Websites - subscriptions are hard

The Martian Kindle Notes from Andy Weir - fun insights

There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing - people are still trying to put names on these weird times with even weirder moods 

Brain fog: how trauma, uncertainty and isolation have affected our minds and memory - brain fog sounds about right

Other Links


Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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