
Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Links 21-25

Lots of technology links and longer reads today.


The Planning Fallacy - what to do about underestimating

Limits to one Product Backlog - 3 - continuation, but I am slowly loosing interest

Windmills: Can Scrum be fixed? - Ron is still on a mission

Sharing our Engineering Career Framework with the world  - another one. It has a lot of different roles, which is nice

Why 'bring solutions not problems' doesn’t work - I recently started wondering about this and some other common advice too


Shopify-Made Patterns in Our Rails Apps - overview of some of the bigger things Shopify implemented

Adding support for cross-cluster associations to Rails 7 - GitHub actively shaping Rails future


Deploying Server-Side Google Tag Manager on Cloud Run - never heard of this, seems like another thing to put on the to-do list

Planning the CentOS 8 endgame [LWN] - it is amazing how much I lost interest in CentOS since they messed it up

GitHub Copilot 

CVE-2021-22555: Turning \x00\x00 into 10000$ - long article about discovering and exploiting a security issue in Linux Netfilter

Transliterating Old-School BASIC - not super interesting, but I enjoyed seeing BASIC again

Analysis of the FBI’s Anom Phone - that must have been such a fun project 

Chia Analysis: To Farm, or Not to Farm? - turns out it is probably not a good idea, even if you have disks around. And some of your employees might oppose it generally. 

Announcing Arti, a pure-Rust Tor implementation (Tor blog) [LWN] - after the rewriting everything in Go phase, we are no in the rewriting everything in Rust phase

Syncing all the things [LWN] - I love Syncthing. After being annoyed by having to switch from btsync I am not happy I had to. 

Details of the REvil Ransomware Attack - Schneier about the recent attack

Twitter verifies bot accounts - meanwhile real people have problems getting verified


Carbon removal hype is becoming a dangerous distraction - like hydrogen and carbon offsets 

Animals farmed: EU cage-ban moves closer, magic of horse power and ‘egg-mageddon’ - Nice, can we tackle pets living conditions next? 

EU’s green deal plans launched with ‘make-or-break decade’ warning - Germany is already planning to tone it down


Asphalt, Gridlock and Common Sense - "It’s clear that adding lanes to urban expressways or building new ones doesn’t reduce congestion. Sometimes it makes things worse. So why do we keep doing it?"

The Road Home - "The Texas department of transportation intends to spend $25 billion widening highways to fix traffic in Texas cities. What if we tore them down instead?"

How to design streets for everyone (Universal Design) [YouTube]  - improving pavements and roads is good for everybody  

City Ratings Goes Global - how the heck did Barcelona make it to #8 

Paris to extend 30 kph speed limit to most streets - how long until Paris makes it to the top of most city lists?

Random Defenders

Tesla-powered Defenders review - blasted off-road and timed 0-60mph! [YouTube] - did I mention I want mine converted? I don't need this much power though

Pro-onion faction triumphs in Spain’s great omelette debate - the good side won!

The Truth Behind the Amazon Mystery Seeds - Amazon Amnesia ... I am also affected sometimes 

Texas cyclist shoots driver who deliberately crashed into his riding partner - Texas of course

Making a social impact through sports: the 2021 MC Gran Fondo Cycling Fundraiser - great event. I am on some photos.

Murderbot Diaries - I made it through the first few books, but now I am stuck. I think it was more fun when Murderbot was still learning. 

The digital nomad dream is over - my main critique of digital nomads was the environmental impact, but there are other issues

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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