
Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Links 22-1

bicycle in front of mountains
 Aigüestortes National Park
New Year's Resolution: limit the number of links in these posts. 

Catching up with everything since before Christmas. 

So much good stuff from BBC podcasts and The Guardian this time around.


The Kool-Aid Factory - super useful and pretty site with play books about building teams and companies

Embracing Change and Mimicking Chaos: Why Leaders Need to Cringe Fast and Early (with Hamza Kahn) [Podcast]  - another great episode 

The unFIX Model - I confess it took me a while to figure out if this is a joke or not. It is similar to Team Topologies, but weird. 

Are You a Micromanager or a Coach? Why Leaders Should Avoid Giving Advice and What To Do Instead (with Dr. Julia Milner, Leadership Professor at EDHEC Business School) [Podcast] - coaching vs mentorship

Hunting Tech Debt via Org Charts - interesting approach to looking at organizational design 

End of year manager checklist - I did maybe half of this 

Inspection and the limits of trust. - you want to create trust, but not rely on trust

Product Thinking, Project Thinking, a thread - not a big fan of Twitter threads, but this is worth the effort


Peter Stout (Netflix) [Podcast] - going from management to staff engineer and what he is focusing on

5 Books Every Software Developer NEEDS [YouTube] - the usual, but still a good list

Nine common microservices mistakes — and how to avoid them - good overview and explanations


Implementing a 4-day workweek: insights from 4 companies that have done it - while I hope to have this at some point, I can't imagine it with my current number of meetings

30 Comics I’ve Made To Show The Reality Of Working From Home - it's me!

Workplace culture: being nice isn't enough [Podcast] - talking about simplification, slack and other things to make companies better


My first impressions of web3 - interesting analysis of web3 & NFT by the Signal guy.

The Web3 Fraud - another critique 

The Third Web - another one

The Future Is Not Only Useless, It’s Expensive - the NFT train wreck 

Brian Eno is not a fan of NFTs - ditto

LWN's unreliable predictions for 2022 - these are always fun to see fall apart over the year 

LWN's 2021 retrospective - for comparison the review of last year

A New Future for GnuPG - cool to see this great project finding the commercial success to support it

Updating The Single Most Influential Book of the BASIC Era - I never heard of this book, but I love the idea of reimplementing it in current easy languages

LG’s 16:18 ultra-tall monitor means less scrolling - the whole wide-screen monitor area was a mistake!

How Long Do Disk Drives Last? - quite long

A deep dive into an NSO zero-click iMessage exploit: Remote Code Execution - this is the best hack ever "PDF impersonating a GIF that contains an entire virtual machine built out of BITBLT NAND gates." (via jwz)


Londoners told to reduce physical activity on Friday due to pollution - driving is fine obviously 

Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data - maybe I should have moved to a cooler area

Are we putting too much faith into electric vehicles? [Podcast] - yes

Is science fiction holding back climate action? [Podcast] - I don't think that is the problem. Some urbanism in there too.  

Palma to limit cruise ships after environmental concerns - and Barcelona?

1 HOUR - Calming Global Warming Ambience [YouTube] - I love this channel


One-Way Streets Are Killers and We Should Get Rid of Them - interesting view. I guess it depends. In Barcelona some of the wide one-way streets are certainly killers

Full free fare public transport: Objectives and alternatives - paper in multiple languages. Free public transport sounds like a good idea until you think about the side effects.

Mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule: In Barcelona gibt es jeden Freitag eine Auto-freie Stunde [German] - BiciBus has arrived in German media

The pandemic kicked cars off some streets. 2022 could be the year they’re banned permanently - one can dream

How to (Quickly) Build a Cycling City - Paris [YouTube] - should I move to Paris? Maybe when it warms up a bit more?

“Commission’s strongest commitment to cycling to date”: Cycling organisations react to the “Efficient and Green Mobility” package - seems like the is some movement in the EU

Random Mountains

Full Circle - From Escapism to Reconnection. 10 Years, 10 Mountains & 10,000 metres of climbing. [YouTube] - this just make me want to get out and climb a mountain

Polar priest: the church in the world’s northernmost town – a photo essay - great photos, this could be some Nordic Noir setting

Complex systems & second-order effects [Podcast] - fun discussion about side effects and how to avoid them. With a bit of urbanism and war on cars thrown in

A man on a mission to preserve Barcelona’s decorative floor tiles - these tiles were one of my favourite bits in our Barcelona flat and office. Why would anyone throw them away?

Skateboarding in middle age: ‘It helps me switch off’ - I have to try it again at some point

“Work will never love you back” - life > work

The joy of missing out: how to manage your time in 2022 [Podcast] - someone really wants me to read this book

‘I felt powerless – so I started filming’: CyclingMikey on his one-man battle with dangerous drivers - I mostly gave up on filming. I found I got even more annoyed about the random dangerous driving situations. And the police doesn't care anyway. 

Do you know what you know? - fun test about how confident you are about your knowledge

100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying - fun, reminds me Black Books: "eat an orange"

Fritz Lang [Podcast] - lovely discussion about his work

Tascam Master Studio 424: Type II Cassettes are back in production!!?? [YouTube] - I liked tapes before they were cool!

800MIPS Amiga With Emu68 and PiStorm - on my to-do list for my A1000

MTV@40 [Podcast] - we never had MTV, but I sometimes had access at friends places 

Mystik: New portable tape player by RTM (prototype) tested & compared [YouTube] - people are still building (bad) walkmen  (also)

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