
Friday, March 04, 2022

Friday Links 22-7

photo of abandoned warehouse
abandoned warehouse

Most of what I read this week was related to the ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. 

But I have nothing to add or to share about it. Lets hope that this gets resolved soon and Ukraine prevails.


The State Of Burnout In Tech - results of surveying lots of tech professionals. As far as I am aware I suffered burnout three times in my career. They come in different severities and durations. I might have missed or ignored some of the smaller ones. The survey also comes with an risk assessment tool.

A playbook for managing & leading in difficult times & crises - I liked this very much and will keep it in my back pocket for the next difficult time. They seem to get more frequent.

Can You Take a Problem from Beginning to End? How to Read Signals and Manage “Synthesizers” (with Scott Williamson, Chief Product Officer at GitLab) [Podcast] - "Synthesizers" is an interesting framing. I think most introverts would fall into the category of "think first ... a lot ... and then speak"

Perverse Incentives of Retrospective Promotions - "As an employer. you got the performance, why wouldn't you pay for it?"

Redesigning work with Lynda Gratton [Podcast] - about hybrid work


The Story Graph with Nadia Odunayo [Podcast] - great origin story. I wish I would like The Story Graph more, but my books are still on Goodreads. 

New – Customer Carbon Footprint Tool - this is pretty cool


Low traffic neighbourhoods encourage a quarter of Hackney’s residents to cycle more, poll finds - unsurprisingly they work, but the opponents are just too vocal

Killer Truck, Dude - I don't get the allure of monster pick up trucks. They seem so impractical compared to a van or a reasonable sized SUV.

Random warehouses

Inside the world's biggest humanitarian warehouse [Podcast] - a small look inside the logistics of humanitarian aid. You can also see it in a tour here: UNICEF global supply hub virtual tour [YouTube].

Voluntary UK ban on killing birds with lead shot has had ‘no detectable effect’ - what? Voluntary restrictions don't work? (see environment and urbanism)

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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