
Friday, April 08, 2022

Friday Links 22-11

old green diesel locomotive

Catching up with podcast. The ones about Coaching Habit, Brian Kernighan and The Pedestrian are very good.


Tackling bottlenecks at scale-ups [Podcast] - Podcast with a summary of the idea behind the content I shared recently.

How To Do Less - about hard prioritization "First, you need to lower everybody’s expectations, ASAP."

Why greater autonomy is the future of software development - release of the Atlassian State of the Developer Report [PDF]

Rich Paret - Why You're Terrible at Hiring (and how to fix it) [Podcast] - the idea of hiring someone without comparing them to other candidates is great and difficult

How to refactor meetings as they grow with the rule of eight - about meetings, team and company structure. 

Episode #1: Going On an Adventure! The First Step - getting started with metrics and running into problems already 

TBM 15/52: A Tale of Two Meetings - I am not going to lie, 180 minute meetings scare me

How GitHub does take home technical interviews - a lot of automation, which makes sense at scale

Technology Radar - I like the idea of the radar more than the content :-)

The Best Managers Don't Rescue, They Coach: Why Your Goals Should Be Thrilling, Important, and Daunting (with Michael Bungay Stanier, Author of ‘The Coaching Habit’ & ‘How to Begin’) [Podcast] - I love the (very short) book and it is nice to hear him talking about it


Prevent the introduction of known vulnerabilities into your code - another cool use of GitHub actions and their dependency review service 

Devs For Ukraine - free on-line conference to raise funds for Ukraine 

Wisdom from 50+ years in software [Podcast] - Interview with Brian Kernighan

Handling Flaky Tests at Scale: Auto Detection & Suppression - flaky tests are one of my obsessions

Stabilize, Modularize, Modernize: Scaling Slack’s Mobile Codebases - modularization is key here


Thousands of UK workers to take part in four-day week trial - take me! 

Atlassians are on the move as our people embrace TEAM Anywhere - interesting migration patterns

How many jobs can be done at home? - "37% of jobs in the United States can be performed entirely at home. Jobs that can be done at home typically pay more." this will split society even more


Last stop, underwater: the Spanish railway line being devoured by the sea - we are all affected

Ebre River Delta activists form human SOS message to highlight environmental issues - We have to accept that this place is lost. 

Cutting fuel taxes is a bad idea - everybody knows 

London, Paris, Rome, and Milan denounce High Court’s rejection of Low Emission Zone - something is going really wrong with Barcelona's ZBE


Old Enough: the Japanese TV show that abandons toddlers on public transport - I haven't watched this yet, but it does sound intriguing. Imagine a city where it is perfectly normal and safe that kids can move around alone on foot, public transport or bicycle.

Usuaris Bicing visiten la nau i celebren els 15 anys de servei [Catalan] - Bicing (Barcelona bike share) is 15 years old! It is such a big part of the change of the city. 

Model project: 30 km/h speed limit leads to better air quality  - surprise! 

The Pedestrian [Podcast] - I too have been stopped by the police in LA for walking. I was a teenager and with my family.

The Only* Car-Free Neighbourhood in Canada (and why you can't live there) [YouTube] - the weird thing is not this neighbourhood, but that you can never build one like this again  

Episode #294 – Building a Better World — an Activist Planner’s Network Analysis of Bike Lanes in Paris [YouTube] - the importance of network vs length of lanes

New smartphone app to allow public to submit evidence of speeding drivers - I want this! Or something similar to measure speed of cars in the city.

Autos raus – Berliner Friedrichstraße zieht mehr Menschen an [German] - Berlin banned cars from a small stretch of road in the city centre and as always it has been a success

What’s a City’s Curb Space Worth? - more than wasting it on parking

Random Trains

Rail route of the month: Barcelona to Cádiz, the slow train right across Spain - I took this train once at night. Next time I make sure it is a day train to watch the scenery. 

The people who keep the refugee trains running out of Ukraine – photo essay - everybody in Ukraine is a hero

Visualizing Air Raid Sirens in Ukraine - good and depressing use of data

Introducing Atlas – your new teamwork directory - this looks useful if you already bought into the Atlassian tool-set

498. In the 1890s, the Best-Selling Car Was … Electric [Podcast] - a bit of history of the electric car. Also mentions that roads where paved for bicycles

Today is March 769th, 2020 - helpful calendar 

Building a Second Brain - I am using org-roam for my second brain. The post has links to more ideas around this. See also: Second Brain Summit 2022 - Full Session Recordings [YouTube]

That smiling LinkedIn profile face might be a computer-generated fake - weird

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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