
Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday Links 22-25

Photo of the classic R5 Turbo rally car
Some good long reads today: The classic "Give Away Your Legos", how to slowly kill your org, Why Spotify Squads are a Failure and Bicycle Graveyards.

A few podcasts, the one about agile is definitely worth it.


‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups - classic article 

190 Brilliant Examples of Company Values - so many values, so similar. The ones from Build-A-Bear a fun.

The manager’s guide to slowly killing your org - helpful!

How a Leader Made the Interview Process More Collaborative - setting expectations for all interviews upfront is key 

Team Topologies Distilled - Elite performing teams are long lived [YouTube] - small long-lived autonomous teams with a shared purpose  

Jonathan Frakes Asks You Things [YouTube] - 1:1 starter questions :-) stolen from somewhere  

Why Spotify Squads Are a Popular Failure for Product Teams - don't copy them, but take the good parts and adapt to your environment 

Screw SCRUM: Guide to Building a Truly Agile Organization [Podcast] - going back to the principles and thinking bigger than just the teams 


How to Track Down Memory Leaks in Ruby - painfully, you do it painfully 

Locking Engineering Principles - about kernel locks, but applies more widely: "Make it dumb; make it correct; make it fast"

Programming languages endorsed for server-side use at Meta - look at this the next time you want to add something to your stack, then think of the size of Facebook and don't do it


New integrated email marketing tools for Gmail - Google gets into the spam sending business

It’s time to leave the leap second in the past - they want to remove all the fun of time keeping!


Why tech workers are quitting great jobs at companies like Google to fight climate change - because someone needs to

Plant based promises, rise of the plant based burger [Podcast] - at the start of pandemic we switched to mostly plant based. The variety of plant based replacement products definitely helped with this. 

Wildfires continue to burn across France and Spain - we had the first rain for a while yesterday, so this will improve a bit 

Barcelona school and residents create solar energy community - nice solution for cities


Bicycle graveyards: why do so many bikes end up underwater? - because we can't have nice things

Three new Maps updates to help plan your next adventure - new bicycle routing! Suggesting bike lanes and quieter roads 

The deadliest road in America  - I complain about European roads, but the US has completely lost it

Random Cars

R5 Turbo - Renault has a website dedicated to their classic cars!

We bought the most boring electric car - alright, that is from me

Steff goes home and needs help Let's help rebuild Ukrainian homes destroyed by russian army. - Steff is riding for a good cause

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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