
Friday, September 09, 2022

Friday Links 22-29

AI art: lady in front of cityscape

Two week of links again. Will's post about hiring quality was fascinating. 

And I learned about Sturgeon's Bias, which I have to remember for the future. 


One-on-ones with executives. - cool advice from Will Larson about ad-hoc 1:1s with executives 

Is Engineering Management Bullshit? - no

Sturgeon's Biases - TIL: "Ninety percent of everything is crud."

Eight Traps to Avoid When You Take Over a Team - a bit late, but thanks

The Scoop: Netflix’s historic introduction of levels for software engineers - it is so wild that Netflix didn't have levels 

Onboarding Practices: The First Month - Angela about her personal onboarding plan

Dear Ex-Bigco New to Smallco - I think this can be general advice when changing companies 

OPP (Other People’s Problems) - how to pick your battles 

The fallacy of “thriving in ambiguity” - "Ambiguity is bad. You should thrive in it, sure, but you should also strive to eliminate it whenever possible."

Why are you so busy? - being busy shouldn't be the goal for you or your team

Bar raisers, hiring committees, and other complex ways to improve hiring quality. - I liked the idea of Amazon's bar raisers for a while, but Will makes a good point that you probably don't need them


Facebook Has No Idea What Data It Has - if you ever felt bad about how much of a mess your data is: you are not alone

JIT Compilers for Ruby and Rails: An Overview - more speed and more choice for Ruby

After self-hosting my email for twenty-three years I have thrown in the towel. The oligopoly has won.  - I gave up too. I pay someone to do it now. 

How to Sign Commits For GitHub With SSH - this is nice, but seems a bit of a hassle for most cases


Telegraph miscalculates the cost of working from home - yes, but there is still a cost 

California Passes Law Requiring Companies to Post Salary Ranges on Job Listings - one more state, we are getting there 

How to create the perfect home office setup for remote working - good summary of best practices


Australian parliament passes first climate change legislation in a decade - they have some catching up to do. 

World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds - we all have some catching up to do. 

Clearing the Air [Podcast] - the case of Ella Kiss-Debrah, her death was the first ruled as partly caused by air pollution 

More ways to drive sustainably and save money with Google Maps - finally also in Europe

The truth about hydrogen [YouTube] - it is very inefficient and probably dirty  

Germany’s €9 train tickets scheme ‘saved 1.8m tons of CO2 emissions’ - sounds like a success to me!


How might (should) cities regulate Bicibus? - ideally, the Bicibus should be the norm and not need protection. Until then, the protection is a good thing.

513. Should Public Transit Be Free? [Podcast] - I don't think so, but I think the best way is a very cheap yearly subscription. I think it will lead to higher usage.  

‘I will never ride a bike again’: why people are giving up on cycling - :-( 

How car culture colonised our thinking – and our language - our life is framed by car, we have to rewire our brains

Freie Fahrt für freie Fussgänger:innen [German] - how to rethink cities and traffic in Switzerland  

Spat at, abused and run off the road: why do some people hate cyclists so much? - the UK sounds like a nice place ... not!

Would you believe me if I told you the true cost of owning a car is over $11 million? How can that be? Come join me for a thread. 🧵👇 [Tweet] - for the US, but owning a car is expensive

Random Queen

Queen Elizabeth II don die - BBC News Pidgin. RIP.

Flicker-free Elite on the Commodore 64 and Plus/4 - that is pretty cool. And it is just a backport of later Elite versions. 

The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse - this is kind of funny. “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?”

Shaving Compact Discs to improve the sound (?!) [YouTube] - audiophile magic! 

ON THE WHEEL | Finally, Tour de France Femmes: Episode 1 - A New Beginning  [YouTube] - the women's Tour de France, a step in the right direction!  

The utterly delightful site dedicated to classifying plastic bread tags - this is just magic, someone had too much time on their hands 

AI Creating 'Art' Is An Ethical And Copyright Nightmare - this doesn't look good

Other Links


Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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