
Friday, March 03, 2023

Friday Links 23-08

Wolf face

I enjoyed the podcast about Rawls' Theory of justice and the article about "BAU work", which is really about much more.


Go Beyond Fixing It: How the VP of Engineering at Box Approaches High-Stake Change (with Tamar Bercovici, VP of Engineering at Box) [Podcast] - different levels of leadership and focusing on goals

What it takes to scale engineering [Podcast] - interesting insights in GitHub's scaling 

How to tackle friction between product and engineering in scale-ups [Podcast] - I liked the articles, this is good too.

But what about the BAU work? - make work visible, especially hidden work, focus on values, structure teams along values 

Alignment > Autonomy - autonomy alone is not enough


Fixing work's people problem(s) [Podcast]

World’s biggest four-day working week trial ends in success - BBC News  [Podcast] - I might want this more as an employee than an employer


Bicycles become most popular mode of transport on City of London roads - build it and they will come  

UK town “blames” rail freight for congestion - no comment

Random Wolf

Is the Alpha Wolf Idea a Myth? - turns out, we made that up

Rawls' Theory of Justice [Podcast] - "Rawls’ radical idea was that those inequalities must be to the greatest advantage not to the richest but to the worst off."

250 km2 area off Costa Brava coast designated eligible for wind farms - I am expecting some more protests

Dumb Password Rules - good bookmark to keep for future discussions

Why We Rave - I miss raves :-( 

The Dream of the Nineties is Still Alive - "Historical Characters"

Understanding Firearm Deaths by State—and How to Reduce Them - never going to happen

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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