
Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday Links 23-13

Croissant on paperbag wih a businesscard from La Pastisseria Barcelona
Best croissant in Barcelona
For some fun, watch the "Best croissant in Paris" video. 

Less fun: Cory Doctorow about capitalism.


Balancing your CEO, peers, and Engineering. - I like the supported/tolerated/resented framework. 

Before your next offsite 

Interviewing engineering executives. - "Avoiding the unicorn search"


How We Built a Multi-Task Canonical Ranker for Recommendations at Etsy  - these are so hard to get right.


Some Remote Workers Struggle With Leaving Home: Here’s How We Handle it at Buffer - not very well? 

Four-Day Workweek Update: Here’s How The Buffer Team is Feeling About It, Three Years In - "we encourage teammates to work on that fifth day if they choose to or if needed, based on their workload or the team’s needs."


Weather tracker: heat in Spain could smash April temperature record - no rain in Spain. 

‘Frightening’: record-busting heat and drought hit Europe in 2022 - this is fine. 

Ban on disposal of bike tyres in landfill moves closer - I brought my old tyres and tubes to our recycle centre and they had no idea what to do with them. 

Andalucía accused of pandering to far right over plans for Spanish wetlands - not long until we see waterwars.


We Can Have It All: Shorter Commutes, Less Traffic. Why Aren’t We Doing It? - nobody likes change and everybody thinks they like their car. 

What prompted my U-turn on LTNs? I realised I was on the same side as Laurence Fox - nothing is more scary than being aligned with someone you don't liket.

Random Croissants

BEST CROISSANT IN PARIS [YouTube] - best croissant review ever!

Examining capitalism's chokepoints [Podcast] - this is overall very depressing. 

‘Such a fun way to consume music’: why sales of the ‘obsolete’ cassette are soaring - it's not just me! 

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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