
Friday, March 15, 2024

Friday Links 24-08

Tablet with teapot, mug, biscuits, and milk

Quite a mix of topics. I recommend the podcast with Cal Newport and the article about learning to ride a bike ("Stumbling can be lovely")


Joe Militello, Chief People Officer at Pagerduty: Why You Need to Rethink Your People Strategy [Podcast] - people strategy has to be part of every team.

Story: Leaving LinkedIn - Choosing Engineering Excellence Over Expediency [Podcast] - not really about leadership, but an interesting inside view about what makes someone leave.

How to be productive without burning out, with Cal Newport [Podcast] - speed vs sustainability. 

The “10x engineer:" 50 years ago and now - the "surgical team" idea always seemed a bit weird to me, even 20 years ago, when I read it.

Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans - about the benefits of qualitative metrics.

How I set expectations for skip levels - I am looking into skip levels at the moment.


time_t is not GMT - it has no TZ.


Air pollution levels have improved in Europe over 20 years, say researchers - not in most cities.

How did Norway become the electric car superpower? Oil money, civil disobedience – and Morten from a-ha - I always enjoy the a-ha part.

Olive oil becomes most wanted item for shoplifters in Spain - it is still cheaper than everywhere else.

Urbanism / Transit

OMFG DINOSAURS AND TRAINS!!!!! (with TierZoo) [YouTube] - it really isn't Germany's fault!

Health gains of low-traffic schemes up to 100 times greater than costs, study finds - surprise! 

Government tried to bury report which found that Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are effective and popular - no surprise!

Random Tea

Storm over a teacup [Podcast] - about Nepalese tea.

Berlin’s techno scene added to Unesco intangible cultural heritage list - thanks for making me feel even older.

OldWeb.Today - use an obsolete browser, on an obsolete OS, to view dead web pages.

Dial Up Modem Sounds, from 300 bps to 56K [YouTube] - best subtitles ever?

Oh, that's what happened to Kickstarter - close web3 call!

My 5 Step Journey Towards Ergonomic And Fast Typing - I really should learn to type at some point!

‘We cranked up the madness’: Jack Davenport and Steven Moffat on making Coupling - still funny … even if a lot of it is outdated.

Learn your farm animals with AI! - "mock" "qlick"

2023 Garmin inReach® SOS Year in Review - busy west coast. 

Stumbling Can Be Lovely - "The hardest part is the launch, Hal says."

AI Prompt Engineering Is Dead Long live AI prompt engineering - let's just have the AIs doing the job of making the AIs doing our job.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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