Friday, September 06, 2024

Friday Links 24-26

"Friday" spelled in satellite images
If you want to go into a niche topic, watch the one about fire departments in the US, and now they affect cities.  

I also enjoyed the blog from Google about Rust adoption.


The Founder Mode Tradeoff - "Wielding power comes at a cost. Ignoring that cost serves no one in the long run. We all love a good hero story, but it’s not the whole story."


Radio Survivor: Podcast #342 – The Famous Computer Cafe  [Podcast] - meta episode about the radio show, with one of the creators. 

Transcribing audio with AI using Speech Note [LWN] - nifty! 

Whither the Apple AGX graphics driver? [LWN] - the problem of two programming language styles colliding. 

Deploying Rust in Existing Firmware Codebases - Googles approach of using Rust more.


How American Fire Departments are Getting People Killed [YouTube] - all policy decisions have side effects and are probably about money.

Tokyo Has the BEST Streets in the World [YouTube] - they seem to be designed for purpose and not exclusively for cars.

The Secret to Japan's Great Cities [YouTube] - more on this from Not Just Bikes.

Can Paths Save America's Suburbs? [YouTube] - they certainly make cul-de-sacs more useful for people walking and cycling. Suddenly, you don't just have islands.


Up in Smoke  [Podcast] - bacteria in smoke from wildfires … something to look forward to!

Meta - 2024 Sustainability Report - doing well apparently? 

When heat turns deadly - heat is more dangerous than previously thought.

Random Satellites

Your Name In Landsat - fun tool, see image above.

THE WIRE’S Bubbles: How do you help an addict? – SHRINK THE BOX [Podcast] - The Wire is still the best TV show, and Bubbles is in the top three of best characters on it.

Is my blue your blue? - I am colour-blind and get "Your boundary is at hue 182, bluer than 89% of the population. For you, turquoise is green. "

End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell - that's a shame. I am pretty sure I included quite a few of their articles in this blog.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Links 24-25

Graffiti labeled "infinito" showing infinite symbol made of snails

The experience of the creator of "One Million Checkboxes" is a fun read. You never know what you will find in your logs. 

I also liked the interview with Michael Feathers. 


When to write strategy, and how much? - one is probably enough, and don't start before you understand the context.


Michael Feathers Reflects on "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"  [Podcast] - his views on TDD are interesting. 

The secret inside One Million Checkboxes - when you let the internet loose on your site.

Recommending for Long-Term Member Satisfaction at Netflix - they seem to put so much effort in, and it is still so bad for me personally. 

Less Is More: Principles for Simple Comments - I am still subscribed to this and like the little nuggets like this one.


Gemeinde kauft Dorf zurück, das abgerissen werden sollte  [German] - municipality buys back a village that was supposed to be demolished for coal mining. Everybody living there had already been relocated to different villages. 

Can climate stripes change the way we think about air pollution? - it looks like only changes in laws can change trends. 

Australia’s ski season could melt away early as snowfall drops to nearly half the average "The report also showed local towns, tourism industries and ecosystems relied on the snowfields and could struggle to survive if snowfalls continued to slide away."


Paris Olympics: Could this be the first fully cyclable Games? [Podcast] - is Paris the city moving quickest to be cycling friendly? 

Could driverless vehicles open a door to safe, car-lite lifestyles? - maybe, many predict that the number of cars overall will increase. 

The most (and least) walkable cities in Europe, ranked - I find Barcelona quite walkable, especially compared to Madrid. Lisbon is also not that bad. 

Why is Shibuya Crossing the Busiest in the World?  [YouTube] - it's a lot of people going there because it is.

Disappearing Bicycle: Understanding the Bodily Experience of Cycling - "People do not merely observe the city as they move through it; they actively constitute the city through their mobile practices. "

Labour is right about LTNs – the Tories need to learn the same lesson - "For all the initial noise against low-traffic neighbourhoods, most people like them and they can benefit the public purse"

Random Breaking

CrashFest x The Notorious IBE 2024 [YouTube] - I am pretty sure most of this is impossible.

Take a Nostalgic Dive Through a Visual Cassette Tape Archive - is a pretty wonderful resource. I think all of my tapes are already on there. & - two sites to calculate the shadows at a certain location and time. I think shademap is the better one.

'When I was cycling, the world was big again': What it takes to replace a flight with a long-distance bike ride - it's about the journey, and this looks like a beautiful one.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Links 24-24

Solent Flyer hovercraft parked on beach

I am still enjoying the Book Overflow podcast, this time with John Ousterhout. 

The podcast about the UK environmental agency is also great, and depressing.


Wisdom for Work #25 - The Art of Generative Listening [Podcast] - the five levels are an interesting approach. As a leader, you have to master listening, that's how you know where to go. 

The Surprising Long Term Impact of Layoffs on Company Performance & Employee Experience.  [Podcast] - that is understandable, at times you can't really avoid it, though. 

A New Era of Medium Engineering - I quite like the messaging around this, and also the realisation that there is a shift in the company. 

TBM 305: Stop the (Goal) Cascade Madness - I really like the idea and structure of them, but they never work in the real world. 

Humans >> Data - "If you want to lead geeks effectively, at whatever scale, you need to be a person & interact with them as people. "

No "We" in IC - fascinating experiment. I prefer team ratings (and bonuses, perks, budgets, …) over individual ratings. As with everything with people, it can go horribly wrong.


John Ousterhout Reflects on "A Philosophy of Software Design" [Podcast] - at least he knows that some of his ideas are controversial.

What the fuck is an SBAT and why does everyone suddenly care - in case you are wondering why your dual boot Linux doesn't work any more after your Windows update.

Klarna’s AI chatbot: how revolutionary is it, really?  - not a lot? Day: Exploiting Localhost APIs From the Browser (Oligo Security) - no place like


Müllwagen werden kleiner [German] - Mercedes is designing narrower rubbish trucks, as there is less space between all the parked (including Mercedes) SUVs.


Can Science Fiction help us fight climate change? [Podcast] - No, but you get an interview with Kim Stanley Robinson.

How we made our hardware packaging 100% plastic-free - yes, it is true, there are still companies not doing this. 

Dirty waters: how the Environment Agency lost its way [Podcast] - that is a remarkable story of mismanagement and industry interference. 

Staat fördert CO₂-Ausstoß mit 35,8 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr [German] - Germany subsidises polluting sectors with 35.8 billion Euro a year. 

Random Hovercraft

The Last Surviving Giant Passenger Hovercraft  [YouTube] - Christof's Regret #23: I never went on one of these when they were around, and I could even have been useful (Unlike a Concorde flight). - watch YouTube like telly.

Why Spain wants tourists to go home [Podcast] - mostly about house prices, but also about keeping your neighbourhood.

Professor Patricia Wiltshire, forensic scientist [Podcast] - she sounds like a brilliant nerd.

LA Sheriff Gets SCHOOLED by Pro Cyclist [YouTube] - spoiler alert: you can't school the police.

Scrolling through online videos increases feelings of boredom, study finds - shall I have a surprise of the week column?

597. Why Do Your Eyeglasses Cost $1,000? [Podcast] - it's a scam / monopoly. 

India's schoolgirls are leading a silent cycling revolution - until they grow out of it.

Wealth tax on super-rich could raise £1.5tn globally, campaigners say - eat the rich? Also: "some exemptions in the Spanish tax – including [...] some high-value assets such as boats and aircraft."

Zettlr: note-taking and publishing with Markdown - I am fully bought into org-roam, but this looks like a nice option.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday Links 24-23

Teapot and cup on table

I was a bit distracted last Friday, so it is another double week today. 

I truly enjoy the Bookoverflow podcast. Some of the books I know already, and find the different perspectives interesting. Some of the other books I do plan to read now. 

For something entirely different: The Orkneyinga Saga and Fed podcasts.


No More: It’s The People - at least not all the time.


Bookoverflow  [Podcast] - many good episodes discussing engineering books or talking to authors. Some examples:

Story: Jeffrey Snover and the Making of PowerShell  [Podcast] - banging your head against Microsoft's wall. 

Maximal min() and max() [LWN] - that should be easy with a macro … tens of years later … oops.


Why Don't We Have a 15-hour Work Week?  [Podcast] - probably because of the rich. 

Return-to-office mandates hurt employee retention, productivity, survey says - surpise!


Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry - and the locals.

Fed with Chris van Tulleken [Podcast] - about the chicken we eat.

‘Morally, nobody’s against it’: Brazil’s radical plan to tax global super-rich to tackle climate crisis - eat the rich! 

Germans Combat Climate Change From Their Balconies - this is not legal yet in Spain. 

‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers - whatever you do, don't read the Twitter replies.

Barcelona records lowest nitrogen dioxide levels in 25 years - good, but: "However, pollution levels still exceed the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European targets for 2030. "

All-night streetlights make leaves inedible to insects, study finds - that is a new side effect to me.

Wildfire boundary maps expand to new countries in Europe and Africa - nice. I have seen this working in Catalonia already.


A Swiss Town Banned Billboards. Zurich, Bern May Soon Follow - nice. I think they banned neon lights in Barcelona at some point. 

Do bigger highways actually help reduce traffic? - no

NYC REALLY Screwed Up Congestion Pricing (with Doug Gordon) [Podcast] - that is a pretty remarkable mess-up. 

‘Massive disinformation campaign’ is slowing global transition to green energy - it is better and cheaper, but many still believe this. 

"Every casualty reduced makes a difference": Significant drop in casualties on Welsh roads since 20mph speed limit - surprise!

Prague 1 reintroduces night ban on vehicles in defiance of Prague City Hall - because of noise pollution.
Very similar to Wiesbaden (in German): Wiesbaden reduziert Tempo in kompletter Innenstadt

Environmental Urbanism and Urban Geographies: Medellín 2024-2027 Urban Plan - mostly about green corridors. There was a plan like that in Barcelona in the past, it never happened.

Random Tea

Europe's under-the-radar region that's home to the 'undisputed tea world champions' - I can't find a decaf version of this.

Western DJs accused of ‘normalising war’ for playing at Russian techno events - I am sad to see Magda on the line-up.

CDs sales are growing. How I wish I hadn’t given my beloved collection away - or we could just buy music, instead of rent?

Battenburg markings - I find the British emergency vehicles strangely attractive. I didn't know that the pattern had a name and a design brief. 

The Orkneyinga Saga [Podcast] - super fun. 

Techno godfather Juan Atkins: ‘There were 5,000 white kids going crazy to my music’ - one of the great ones. 

Mosquitoes can fly but they can't hide from the Bzigo Iris - all it needs now is a stronger laser.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Links 24-22

Library with seating area in front

This week, I can recommend the long read about the Stream Deck, the one about books, and the discovery about a 55 year old bug in a game.

Last week, my automation for these failed, so you have to endure twice as many links today.

I also said that I wouldn't post depressing news any more. I am sorry, but the climate crisis and pollution made me do it, so it is your fault really.


Gossip, Rumors, and Lies - About staff meetings.

3 reasons to stop hating one-on-one meetings - "After all, what’s a manager’s job? To get results and to grow people."

Developing domain expertise: get your hands dirty. - interesting approaches for different companies. Using the product, and shadowing customer support, seem to be good approaches. 

No More Mandatory - "By making something mandatory, you’re taking a rip at my autonomy."

The SECRET To Improve Developer Productivity Is... Being HAPPY?  [YouTube] - surprise! The mentioning of The Mythical Man-Month was unexpected. "Job satisfaction is the no.1 predictor of organizational performance"


The Data Is In: Return-to-Office Mandates Aren’t Worth the Talent Risks - I see many advantages of offices, but this is the one you should care about.


Open Source AI Is the Path Forward - is it really open source?

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source - the real open source. "public money, public code"

How to use the new counted_by attribute in C (and Linux) - you look away for a decade and everything changes. This appears to be quite useful for safety. 

How I Found A 55 Year Old Bug In The First Lunar Lander Game - nice detective work.


Urban air pollution and time losses: Evidence from cyclists in London [Paper] - increase in pollution reduces cycling speed. Or: clean cities to go (a bit) faster.

Kew Gardens prepares for climate change tree loss - this is a well-maintained park, now think about all the trees.

PFAS widely added to US pesticides despite EPA denial, study finds - thank you, America!

Sick leaves: tea growers’ climate misery leads to jump in UK prices - this should mobilise the Brits, right? 

Ireland’s datacentres overtake electricity use of all urban homes combined - thank you, Ireland!

Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests - some of these links could be related. 

Five protesters and one police officer hurt in French reservoir demonstration - the water wars part #113.

Data centers draining resources in water-stressed communities - "Data centers are not a renewable resource."

The band that doesn't want you to drive to their concerts - artists who care about sustainability. 

Microsoft and Google's electricity consumption surpasses the power usage of over 100 countries - no comment.


The Problem with Cities & The Urban Doom Loop Could Still Happen

"To truly recover, cities must diversify their economic base, streamline the construction and conversion of new housing and mixed-use neighborhoods, enhance public services, and double down on what makes urban life attractive in its own right — not just as an employment destination."

Putting design first: six social housing projects from around the world - annoyingly, Denmark is doing it the best again. 

BikeBus Summit ‘24 - all a bit different, all good. 

Cycling your commute can lower risk of death by 47%, as long as you aren't hit by a driver - roll the dice.

Stuttgart's Urban Rack Railway [YouTube] - if you like trams & co.

The qualities of a great bike city aren't what I expected [YouTube] - cities with higher density help, so do politics and vibes. 

Carspiracy - You’ll Never See The World The Same Way Again [YouTube] - sadly, GCN is preaching to the choir.

Random Books

No one buys books - and most books don't earn anything.

Decoding Gen-Z slang and grammar pet peeves with linguist Anne Curzan [Podcast] - I am going to start using "a couple" as meaning "a few" again! Who is with me? 

The Famous Computer Cafe 1985-07-12 Joel Berez (Infocom) and Jack Anderson (Young Astronauts) [Podcast] - a bit about Infocom. 

VNC Resolver - peek into someone's VNC.

'Not harmful to health': Korea's Buldak spicy noodles return to shelves as Denmark reverses recall  - Koreans are still wondering what is going on. 

'Superlubricious' coating radically drops friction between metal parts - is it just me, or is everybody thinking bicycle gears? 

Scared [Comic] - trust the pros. 

[Essay] The Breaking of a Social Contract, or Why I am Switching to Copyleft Licensing - good thinking about the decision. 

Munich, home of the Oktoberfest, to open alcohol-free beer garden - "noting that while there were patrons who could drink 10 beers in a night, few would order 10 fruit juices." someone tell them about non-alcoholic beer. 

How the Stream Deck rose from the ashes of a legendary keyboard - cool story.

Hackers Steal Text and Call Records of ‘Nearly All’ AT&T Customers - snowflake leak.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.