
Friday, January 29, 2021

Friday Links

Balesin Island
Your friendly neighbourhood Friday links. Very much on the technology side this time, plus some extra skateboarding urbanism.  

Engineering Management

The Tech Debt Playbook - how to manage technical debt

Maximizing Developer Effectiveness - focused on feedback loops and organizational effectiveness 

Make Boring Plans - I am all for keeping everything boring

Creating Security Decision Trees With Graphviz - Graphviz is pretty underused for these kind of things. It is too easy to go for some WYSIWYG diagram tool, that then becomes a maintenance nightmare  

From Heartbreak, Through Resilience, To Equanimity - with Chad Dickerson & Jerry Colonna [Podcast] - I am looking into coaching at the moment. This is an interview with Chad Dickerson and his coach


Are We Really Engineers? - I say yes. This is a three part blog post, worth the read.

Improving how we deploy GitHub - it is good to see everybody is progressing and adapting to their growth. Even grown ups like GitHub are no different

Wayland support (and more) for Emacs - after many years of a break from Emacs I am back, so expect more Emacs news in the future

RefinementCodeReview - Martin Fowler about code reviews outside the Pull Request cycle.  

Elastic Saga continues

RBS: A New Ruby 3 Typing Language in Action - this still feels so wrong. It is C/C++ headers all over again

Police Have Disrupted the Emotet Botnet - I would like to more detail, but it seems they somehow taken over the control servers 

Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2020 - the only place I still have hard drives is my Synology NAS, but I am still fascinated by the stats  

The endless browser wars [LWN] - this is about Google turning off sync for Chromium. If you like a free internet, use Firefox.  

The rise of Rocky Linux [Podcast] - interview with Gregory Kurtzer


Dairy farmers get paid below production costs — is it really worth it? - no?

BREAKING: NYC Pension Funds Begin Historic Fossil Fuel Divestment - I think Norway and Denmark are also doing this. Another nail in the coffin of oil. 


Sadik-Khan: Denver Can Learn From NYC’s ‘Streetfight’ - super annoying that we have to fight this one city at a time 

POST-MORTEM: Cyclist Victims Killed In 2020 Were Low-Income, Essential Workers
- NYC isn't brilliant either 

Skateboarding and Urbanism

Random Islands

Remote workers are flocking to Hawaii. But is that good for the islands? - maybe this is the future. High earners are taking over the nice spots and leave the sprawl for the rest

DATA: Post-Pandemic Silicon Valley Isn’t A Place -  "Post-pandemic, the Bay Area will be the second leading technology hub after the cloud."

Doomscrolling at Scale - I got to remember this for the next crisis

Atención conductor, la DGT anuncia cómo tendrás que adelantar a los ciclistas a partir de este año [Spanish] - rules for overtaking cyclists might change again in Spain. They are already good, but more can't hurt. (English link from

La imposible misión de llevar tu bicicleta a bordo en un tren de Renfe [Spanish] - I never even tried to take a Renfe train with my bicycle. So far I stuck to the local trains. I really would like to see this work. The bike-in-a-bag requirement is so silly that it won't even allow my Evoc bike bag. 

When You Know - Tim Bray knows stuff, like Bitcoin sucks for example. I agree. 

Bond film delays are reportedly causing product placement havoc for brands - maybe not delay it so much? 

Your List Just Got Better in Pocket on Your Desktop - I don't care about the features, they broke keyboard short-cuts again, tags are not visible in list and are still hiding the link to the original content more than necessary.  But at least it is working again on my computer ... after nearly a year. The reason why I don't care is that I am mostly using the extension, mobile and Emacs pocket-reader.el

GameStop sage - I haven't quite made my mind up what to think about it :-)
Mick Fleetwood Skates Back into the Charts [Podcast] - Interview with Mick about the history of Fleetwood Mac
Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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