
Friday, February 05, 2021

Friday Links 21-05

Warehouse flyer from 1993
Some cool insights into the engineering of GitHub and Slack and the sudo vulnerability. Short one this week.


Meetup Apps Team’s Virtual Onsite (and why your team should have one too) - some nice ideas for your virtual onsites or offsites 

Fertile Mid-Stations - I like to work with people for a long time, but I also realise that all companies are just one station in the working life of most people

The surprising root of resilience
[Podcast] - spoiler: teams bound by experiences


Deployment reliability at GitHub - I really love the recent blog posts about building GitHub, they are not very technical, but give a high level view of their efforts

Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant - more from GitHub on their fancy globe that probably nobody sees

Slack’s Outage on January 4th 2021 - scaling issues with AWS and monitoring closely linked to production systems

Buffer overflow in command line unescaping - I always found sudo a bit weird, turns out it also has been insecure for a while 

10-year-old Sudo bug lets Linux users gain root-level access - more on sudo local security issue


Bat boxes, 'greened' streets and bug hotels: Barcelona embraces its wild side - a bit of green-washing, but still nice to see 

Random Väth

Sven Väth (Alemania) @ BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix 30.01.2021 [YouTube] - nice, this is my first studio Väth set in ages!

The Relentless Jeff Bezos - fanboy view of Jeff, Amazon and AWS.  

The Bit Short: Inside Crypto’s Doomsday Machine - it is amazing that this is still going on, but some people obviously are making a lot of money of other people and the environment 

JENKEM - Discussing Skateboarding with Filmmaker Werner Herzog [YouTube] - spoiler: he doesn't skate 

Rapid Response: Aggressive sustainability, w/Lynn Jurich, CEO of Sunrun [Podcast] - cool insights into the solar business in the USA

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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