
Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday Links 21-6

No podcasts at all this week and very light on random links, which gives me the opportunity to post this pretty spring photo of our almond blossom getting going.


Performance reviews should be unsurprising, fair, and motivating - nothing to add really. I wouldn't say I am 100% there yet, but this should be the goal.

The 2021 State of Remote Work - Buffer asks remote workers about remote work ... 2.4% don't like it and 3% wouldn't recommended it. Possibly some selection bias.

Nails in the Coffin: Why a Flat Organizational Structure Fails - flat organizations probably never really exists, there is always a power and communication hierarchy 

Why take-home assignments might not be as bad as their reputation - as long as they are lightweight they are probably ok


org-mind-map - in my mission to do everything in Emacs (not really) I looked into doing mind maps. This really just converts org-mode to a pdf graph and is not quite what I want. 

Visiting another world [LWN] - a new gopher! I completely forgot about gopher, but that is how I started to get into the browsing the internet

Python cryptography, Rust, and Gentoo [LWN] - building Rust is annoying and having it as a dependency will mess up the life of a lot of people

Ruby on Rails View Patterns and Anti-patterns - more tips from AppSignal, not advanced, but still interesting and I see these mistakes a lot 

Internet Archive's book scanning - insight into how they do it, low tech, but cool 

UOMF: My Emacs Key Binding Strategy - Number #831 on things I don't have: an Emacs Key Binding Strategy 

Growth Engineering at Netflix — Automated Imagery Generation - pretty cool to personalise spam content 

Growth Engineering at Netflix- Creating a Scalable Offers Platform - from an XML file to a couple of services 

Minesweeper automates root cause analysis as a first-line defense against bugs - finding bugs at scale

Google joins the Rust Foundation - so does Microsoft. I wonder how these companies decide on doing projects in different languages.

8 Bits Are Enough for a Version Number... - stable kernel is too stable for 255 minor versions 

The imminent stable-version apocalypse [LWN] - more on the kernel versions from LWN

Launching OSV - Better vulnerability triage for open source - vulnerability database from Google using fuzzing  

Disqus, the dark commenting system - this is depressing ... I guess we have to own our own comments again

Your legacy database is outgrowing itself - scaling MySQL at  

Presidential Cybersecurity and Pelotons - he might have to use a dumb trainer and a personal coach


#VisionaryCities Series – Helsinki commits to more cycling with development of new Kaisa bicycle tunnel

How Sweden is taking back parking spaces to improve urban living - nicer cities in Sweden ... lots of renderings only

Six in ten users of pop-up bike lanes in Paris are new to cycling, says city’s government - build it and they will come


The MigraCode Gran Fondo - cycling is great, MigraCode is a brilliant organization, so my only worry is about having an event like this in 2021

How to ride a bike in the city when it snows - not a problem we have in Barcelona, but the pictures are nice

Cyclists Break Far Fewer Road Rules Than Motorists, Finds New Video Study - old article, but it resurfaced again. We obviously knew this already. 


Climate action could save 'millions of lives' through clean air, diet and exercise - and make cities nicer

'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds - this is roughly on the same level as smoking

Random Few

The directed graph of stereotypical incomprehensibility - this is so funny. I hope they extend it. Germans do use "Spanish" too.  

1-7 February 2021 - nice weekly notes, but please if you blog use something that provides an RSS/Atom feed. Maybe I should do weekly notes? Or monthly?

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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