
Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Links 22-23

Small wooden sailing boat

Lots of good news and videos in Urbanism this week.
I also enjoyed the podcast with Marshall Goldsmith.


When there's a Re-org [TikTok] - not funny!

Screw SCRUM: Guide to Building a Truly Agile Organization [Podcast] - don't actually screw scrum 

TBM 30/52: Why Don’t We Have a Strategy? - "The problem is that there are disincentives to thinking strategically." 

A Customer-Focused Approach to Tooling - platform teams should treat their output as products with a focus on developers as customers

Visualize team-code alignment: reverse engineer your organization from version-control - a great idea ... I am slightly worried what this would show though 

#142 Marshall Goldsmith: The Essentials Of Leadership [Podcast] - Great insight on leadership and life. He is a bit too proud of himself at times. I would like to read his books now though. 

What are your company's anti-values? - very good point. What are we not doing when we focus on something. I think the agile manifesto also gets this right.


What It’s Like Working a Four Day Work Week and How We Spend Fridays Off - spoiler: it's nice

Panel interviews don’t work - because of stress and groupthink. I think sometimes they are also just used as a time saving solution


Extreme heat around the world in videos, photos and graphics - we are in fire season again and it is too hot to leave the house during the day


The big idea: should cars be banned from cities? - not that big of an idea :-) 

Spain to fully subsidize Renfe train tickets from September to December - I wish they would think about something more sustainable and also increase the network instead.

I'm A Car Enthusiast That is Starting to Hate Cars. Here's Why. [YouTube] - "Cars are actually terrible"

Wales set to reduce default speed limit to 20mph in residential areas - nice 

The Plan to Change Amsterdam [YouTube] - interesting ... thinking about the whole area as one city 

Why Barcelona Looks Weird [YouTube] - I didn't realise that the blocks should have been openings on at least two sides  

Brussels Government approves first version of Good Living - this seems to be utopia. How will they get this past the NIMBYs?

Does Anyone Actually Cycle in Switzerland!? [YouTube] - more and safer infrastructure -> more cyclists

Random Ships

Lifestyles - cool story. The goal and incentives are the same, but the outcome is very different. I also love the last quote:

“Everyone else can stress out about outperforming each other,” he says. “I just like Europe.”

Ableton Co-Founder Robert Henke Says It’s Time To Reconsider ‘Underrated’ Compact Disc Format - what about USB sticks? 

‘Europol ploy’: mass phone scam defrauds Germans of millions of euros - the called me too

Google One now has premium Google Workspace features - nice ... when it arrives in Europe

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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