
Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Links 22-24

Screenshot from the game Stray. A cat sitting in front of a desk with ancient computers.

A few good articles about how to be a bad leader. 

And some depressing environmental news. 

Play Stray to cheer you up!


Hierarchy of Metrics - this is a nice happy land of metrics and probably not happening in the real world 

A Checklist Manifetsy - an Etsy checklist for new features and about checklists in general

How to get helpful, actionable feedback from your colleagues - good ideas to improve me asking for feedback

TBM 31/52: Why Does Our Strategy Keep Changing? - "You are witnessing tactics masquerading as strategy."

How Leaders Get in the Way of Organizational Change - great summary. There is probably a long list I could add.

Engineering Manager vs Scrum Master - personally, I quite like the EM being the SM. Better than the PO being the SM anyway.


The Deadlock Empire - fun deadlock coding game

Hard Drive Life Expectancy - by now I don't even know why I follow this


1 HOUR - Forced back to work at the Office Ambience | Relaxation [YouTube] - this is just a great channel 

Glassdoor ordered to reveal identity of negative reviewers to New Zealand toymaker - time to delete my Glassdoor account?


We’re Not Going to Make it to 2050 - cheerful 

Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change? - Go Germany!

City heat extremes - satellite picture analysis by the ESA


89. Distracted to Death [YouTube] - car displays are growing and killing people 

Holland Is Not A Dense Country, But An Empty City - interesting perspective 

Why Swiss Trains are the Best in Europe [YouTube] - that is an amazing amount of trains for a tiny country

Spain announces free rail journeys from September until the end of the year - this would be even better if I would still commute

Random Cats

Stray - play this now 

Stray review – press paws for adorable life as a post-apocalypse pussycat - cute hero

Make A Plan - the recent close wildfire prompted me looking into go bags and plans in general. The pandemic and climate warming (and maybe age) turns me into a prepper

Will you be prepared for the next wildfire? - probably not

Tesla announces they sold 75% of their Bitcoin - with a loss

Resum de l'episodi de simultaneïtat d'incendis forestals - 15 al 23 de juny del 2022 [YouTube, Catalan] - summary of the June fires in Catalonia 

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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