
Friday, February 03, 2023

Friday Links 23-05

The black-tailed prairie dog
This week I recommend the reviews of NoSQL and "Spotify Model". It is good to look back at these hypes after a bit of time and learn from the good and the bad bits.


Becoming a Genius Maker: Liz Wiseman's Approach to Multiplying Your Team's Potential (with Liz Wiseman, Author and CEO of The Wiseman Group) [Podcast] - many good ideas about enabling your team to do their best work … instead of you doing it.

How to Prevent Quiet Quitting - Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work [Podcast] - I think the quiet quitting thing is mostly a US concept. 

Culture is A Competitive Advantage: How to Approach The Changing Psychology of the Workforce (with Steve Cadigan, Author and Talent Strategist) [Podcast] - In my opinion we should still aim for keeping people longer in companies. It just means that investments in onboarding and learning can be taken advantage off. 

My critique of “the Spotify Model”: Part 1 - another one of these, but I really like this one.

Setting engineering org values. - So far I haven't come across a good use of values. Occasionally, they sound good and then are not used to make decisions.


Git archive generation meets Hyrum's law [LWN] - when people use undocumented interfaces.

NoSQL: The Baby and the Bathwater - "its clear that the movement identified some very real issues, and then overreacted to them"


Wind and solar were EU’s top electricity source in 2022 for first time ever - nice. Looking at those graphs, it appears that the trend is not going to stop anytime soon.

Urbanism & Transportation

How good are London's cycling superhighways?  [YouTube] - I am still annoyed that all of this happened after I left.

Fall asleep in Amsterdam, wake up in Barcelona! The NL is getting a new night train in 2023 - can't wait!

Random Ground hogs

I watched Groundhog Day every day for a year. Here’s what I learned - that is pretty remarkable. I watch it at least once a year, which is enough. I do discover something new every time.

Pro Cycling Chef Hannah Grant: ‘I had no idea what I was getting into!’ [Podcast] - I love her books and the TV series. It is definitely worth a look.

How's Life? [Comic] - I can relate.

Backblaze Drive Stats for 2022 - I don't even know why I still read these.

The miracle of the commons - long read criticism of "The Tragedy of the Commons"

‘I use it because it’s better’: why chefs are embracing the electric stove - our house has an old induction stove. I did miss gas in the beginning. Now I would never go back.

Other Links

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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