
Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Links 23-06

In game screenshot from Zwift

I highly recommend the article about the man following the UK coastline. 

I enjoyed the interview with Jason Warner too.


#158 Aaron Dignan: Change The Way You Work [Podcast]

Better to micromanage than be disengaged. - or maybe neither? 

Voices, Votes, and Vetos: Who Is Making the 100 Million Dollar Decisions? (with Jason Warner, Managing Director at Redpoint Ventures) [Podcast] - I like his pragmatic approach over processes.


The Market for Lemons - critique about the state of front-end development … might apply to all development,

Urbanism / Transportation 

Sharp rise in cyclist deaths on country roads in France blamed on “increasingly aggressive” drivers - I always found cycling in France pretty scary compared to Spain.

Over 220,000 daily bicycle trips in Barcelona - it's not enough. 

Are E-Bikes Worth It? (For Young Families) [YouTube] - yes. 

Amsterdam Just Got Awesomer [YouTube] - it's really better than Copenhagen is most aspects. 

The Battle Over Bike Lanes Needs a Mindset Shift - "If data won’t change minds, customers might."

Is cycling safe? - "The solution to these problems is protected bike lanes"


EPISODE 321: Sustainability in action: Vaude CEO Antje von Dewitz [Podcast] - now I want to buy only Vaude products. 

‘They get the big picture’: the Swedish tech startup helping cities go green - that looks like a useful visualisation for cities.

Random Games

GTA 5 Player Completes Pacifist Run After More Than 3 Years - I just finished the story mode of GTA 5 ... it was not peaceful.

Life on the edge: meet the man who walked around the UK - amazing story, though I would not finish the whole trail. It seems like he arrived already.

Ukraine: The Handoff [Podcast] - second part of this remarkable story about brining abortion pills to Ukraine

White Collar Crime Risk Zones - that's quite funny

3/11 — The Tsunami: The First 3 Days [YouTube] - this video contains disturbing images.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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