
Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Links 24-12

fibre network distribution boxes with cables on a wall
Both leadership podcasts about managers and coaching are excellent. 

The post about remote work is also interesting. People are different, so are organisations.


The future of work? "The manager as a therapist" [Podcast] - I think I used that line before. I am not sure if this is a good thing.

Extras #24 - Building High-Performing Teams Through Coaching - with Steph Yiu [Podcast] - interesting stuff from Automatic. I would love to see that kind of support in all companies. 

The remoteness of remote work - well-balanced and personal view on a companies remote work phases. 

Principal Engineer - according to this, mainly about business skills.


Docs as code is a broken promise - I agree. Writing stuff should be as easy as possible. Workflows for code are not optimised for that.


How Swiss women won a landmark climate case for Europe [Podcast] - The Guardian

The biggest climate case that ever was [Podcast] - The Europeans

Why are electric scooters, mopeds and rickshaws booming? [Podcast] - because they are better.

Snow in Peril: The Impact of Climate Change on Ski Resorts in the Pyrenees - the Grandvalira marketing speaks of a 5% sales loss. They are probably optimistic.


Does tiny living impact wellbeing? - apparently not!

After 30 years, Critical Mass is still fighting for cyclists on London’s roads - if you can, join one in your city!

Technology can save you from red light runners - I would argue tech could help with many things drivers do wrong.

Random Networks

The Rise And Fall Of The LAN Party - I missed that part. It started with not networked home computers and didn't do computers in the high of the LAN parties. Looks cool. 

Hidden 3D Pictures - finally some "hidden" pictures that are easy to see. 

Can You 3D Print Cassettes? [YouTube] - yes, just the case. 

@countleaves - play text adventures on Mastodon - currently HHGG

Abortions in first 12 weeks should be legalised in Germany, commission says - I didn't realise that abortion was illegal in Germany. There are numerous exceptions to make it accessible to most people.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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