
Friday, May 03, 2024

Friday Links 24-13

Eurobeat 2000 club flyer

This week I enjoyed the interviews with Hazel Weakley and Melinda French Gates.

For some reason, I also have a few clubbing related links. If you like electronic music and play around with it yourself, I recommend the podcast with Alex McLean about live coding.


Software Development As Collective Learning With Hazel Weakly [Podcast] - Very thoughtful interview about Hazels journey and her views on leadership.

TBM 274: How Capable Leaders Navigate Uncertainty and Ambiguity - this was mentioned in the podcast above. Prompts and example interview questions. 

Constraints on giving feedback. - how to think about feedback.

A Software Engineering Career Ladder - another one!

The Power of Rituals at Work 6 | 16 [Podcast] - he clearly has a book to sell. 

Presence: Presence starts with positive leadership [Podcast] - another book to sell? Presence doesn't have to be in person.


PHP from 2014 to 2024 [YouTube] - it has been a while since I last worked with PHP. I still think it is underrated and one of the languages that is developing the fastest and with a great ecosystem.

With Backstage, Spotify’s getting serious about its enterprise and dev tools business play - I still haven't seen this in action. It seems to be mostly focused on organisations with many services.

VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces - scary … but also: rapping Mona Lisa!

OMG! We’re at forty! (Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 40) - I can't believe it has been 20 years since I complained about the switch from RHL to FC.


Europe baked in ‘extreme heat stress’ pushing temperatures to record highs - the summer will be fun.

Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters, study finds - it's not the ocean's fault!


‘Urination equality’: Amsterdam women win fight for more public toilets - we just need more public toilets for all genders.

Is Europe Sprawling? [YouTube] - yes, but not if compared to the US.

How to Remove a Highway [YouTube] - nice.

Lawmakers to allow NYC to lower speed limit to 20 mph - Germany started this idea, and now it is lacking behind.

Random Flyers

george georgiou clubart - flyers and clubart.

Wherein the Millennial influencers weigh in on staying until last call - I can relate. 

“I'm almost ashamed to be known as a DJ”: Dave Clarke on the state of dance music and the making of Archive One

The magic of ALGORAVE: Why We Bleep podcast with Alex McLean [YouTube] - Alex talking about live coding, Tidal Cycles, and Strudel.

8. Melinda French Gates [Podcast] - I just discovered this podcast now. It is great to have Kirsty Young back. She is such a great host.

The Millennial CAPTCHA - fun. I qualify, apparently. 

Teslarossa Ep10 - 2000 mile road trip [YouTube] - I want an electric classic car, but something more practical. French rest stops are also the best.

The Fifth Floor: My emergency kit list [Podcast] - I have been looking into this since last year. The forest fires are coming closer.

‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living - maybe I have to get an Orbea after all.

Five of Europe’s best national parks – with all the beauty but none of the crowds - I have been only to two of these.

podcastindex - nice initiative.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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