Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Links 24-21

Octopus in aquarium
Good news for the environment. 

I enjoyed reading the PySkyWiFi hack! This happens when engineers are bored.


Just Use Postgres for Everything - I have opinions …

PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights - how many programmers have thought about hacking the Wi-Fi in planes? All of them! 

Microservices [YouTube] - funny, also use better names for your stuff!

PagerDuty Incident Response - looking at this at the moment..


A growing body of data is debunking myths about remote work


Amazon meets 100% renewable energy goal 7 years early - maybe Google should take notice.

Energy boss backs lower bills for those near wind farms - that's a good way of spreading them. Germany does this badly.

Labour lifts Tories’ ‘absurd’ ban on onshore windfarms  - yay!


Cities are failing women on bikes, but we can fix it  [YouTube] - you have to make it easy and safe for everyone.

Review of City-Wide 30 km/h Speed Limit Benefits in Europe  [Paper] - up to 38% reduction in road crashes, 18% less emissions

Random Octopuses

Is it Octopi or Octopuses? | Correct Plural of Octopus - both work, apparently.

The Famous Computer Cafe 1984-11-17 Bill Gates and Kazuhiko Nishi [Podcast] - early Gates and MSX.

Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers - internet of sh*t.

Spanish town acting as 'rear guard' for charity boats rescuing migrants - nice

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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