Have a listen to Greg Korah-Hartman about the kernel development process. Some good and uplifting topics in urbanism this week too.
The Product Engineer - I agree with some of it. Every engineer should be a product engineer, but I still think there is a place for product managers.
Who gets to do strategy? - everybody.
Ok. So, You’re Failing - how to receive performance feedback, and probably also how to give it.
How Linux is built with Greg Kroah-Hartman [Podcast] - first thing I did after this: google Kernel Newbies. I did wrangle the email contributing system in the past.
Why I'm No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices - mostly because nobody is talking about the same thing and how it relates to the solution.
6502.sh - because we needed as 6502 written in busybox ash
How Long Should Functions Be? - "How long, then? Lots of a short functions. A few long ones. The longest long one will keep getting bigger the more functions there are in the system."
Story: Hatetris - Obsession, Friendship, and World Records [Podcast] - I didn't know about Hatetris, it is super frustrating!
Paris Votes to Make 500 More Streets Car-Free - nice.
How is Ljubljana connected to its nearby forest without a car? [YouTube] - Barcelona could learn something from this, instead they made it just about illegal to ride mountain bikes in their hills.
How is a Bike Tunnel this Freak'n Great!? [YouTube] - it is a great tunnel. Would I spend more time than I need in it? Probably not. Should we have more of these? Yes.
Assignment: Road wars - cycling in Paris [Podcast] - interviews with locals.
More than a million people die on roads every year. Meet the man determined to prevent them - "Officials were no longer allowed to design roads for idealised drivers who never became distracted or exceeded the speed limit"
Random Houses
1249. Koh Kitayama (architecture WORKSHOP) /// F³ House /// Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan /// 1994-95 - I love this one!
Growth [Podcast] - starts harmless with pumpkins, then ends up with growing back fingertips, and overpopulation
Sir John Soane [Podcast] - I usually skip over very local and historical episodes, but this one is great. I have to visit the museum the next time I am in London.
Stockpile 72 hours of supplies in case of disaster or attack, EU tells citizens - great, back to prepping, at least I am in practice from the pandemic.
Career advice in 2025. - it is a different world.
Salad Sandwich (Australia) on Sandwiches of History [YouTube] - great channel, but this is the first sandwich I now regularly make.
Nick Cave, singer and writer [Podcast] - desert island discs
S4 EP7: Sean Evans discusses his upbringing in Chicago, interview techniques, and no-go guests on ‘Hot Ones’ [Podcast] - fun interview with my favourite YouTube host.
The Life Scientific: Bill Gates [Podcast] - is he one of the good ones now? I can't decide.
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