Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Links 24-25

Graffiti labeled "infinito" showing infinite symbol made of snails

The experience of the creator of "One Million Checkboxes" is a fun read. You never know what you will find in your logs. 

I also liked the interview with Michael Feathers. 


When to write strategy, and how much? - one is probably enough, and don't start before you understand the context.


Michael Feathers Reflects on "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"  [Podcast] - his views on TDD are interesting. 

The secret inside One Million Checkboxes - when you let the internet loose on your site.

Recommending for Long-Term Member Satisfaction at Netflix - they seem to put so much effort in, and it is still so bad for me personally. 

Less Is More: Principles for Simple Comments - I am still subscribed to this and like the little nuggets like this one.


Gemeinde kauft Dorf zurück, das abgerissen werden sollte  [German] - municipality buys back a village that was supposed to be demolished for coal mining. Everybody living there had already been relocated to different villages. 

Can climate stripes change the way we think about air pollution? - it looks like only changes in laws can change trends. 

Australia’s ski season could melt away early as snowfall drops to nearly half the average "The report also showed local towns, tourism industries and ecosystems relied on the snowfields and could struggle to survive if snowfalls continued to slide away."


Paris Olympics: Could this be the first fully cyclable Games? [Podcast] - is Paris the city moving quickest to be cycling friendly? 

Could driverless vehicles open a door to safe, car-lite lifestyles? - maybe, many predict that the number of cars overall will increase. 

The most (and least) walkable cities in Europe, ranked - I find Barcelona quite walkable, especially compared to Madrid. Lisbon is also not that bad. 

Why is Shibuya Crossing the Busiest in the World?  [YouTube] - it's a lot of people going there because it is.

Disappearing Bicycle: Understanding the Bodily Experience of Cycling - "People do not merely observe the city as they move through it; they actively constitute the city through their mobile practices. "

Labour is right about LTNs – the Tories need to learn the same lesson - "For all the initial noise against low-traffic neighbourhoods, most people like them and they can benefit the public purse"

Random Breaking

CrashFest x The Notorious IBE 2024 [YouTube] - I am pretty sure most of this is impossible.

Take a Nostalgic Dive Through a Visual Cassette Tape Archive - is a pretty wonderful resource. I think all of my tapes are already on there. & - two sites to calculate the shadows at a certain location and time. I think shademap is the better one.

'When I was cycling, the world was big again': What it takes to replace a flight with a long-distance bike ride - it's about the journey, and this looks like a beautiful one.

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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