Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Links 25-02

A cup of coffee and a brownie in a coffee shop, with view on the street.
This week, I recommend the blog posts in engineering. Some nice toys to play with.


Building Bauble - language to create shaded graphics and animations. You can modify the code in the blog post to play with it.

The Visible Zorker - looking at the inner workings of Zork. 

Building a tiny Linux from scratch - pretty cool, I haven't even built my own kernel for a long time.


BBC Trending: Were Valencia's floods engineered weather? [Podcast] - this was a new conspiracy theory for me.


How can urban transport work in extreme winter conditions? [YouTube] - By prioritizing public transport, walking, and cycling. 

142. Congestion Pricing Is Finally Here [Podcast] - The War on Cars interviews people affected by the congestion charge in NYC.

Meet the brothers who built NYC’s favorite congestion pricing tracking tool - "Unsurprisingly, depending on the route and time of day, the new tolling scheme seems to be working — perhaps even better than expected."

Still on track: Barcelona’s metro celebrates its centenary [Podcast] - 100 years!

Random Coffee

From the archive: The invisible addiction: is it time to give up caffeine? [Podcast] - I have given up for a long time. There might be some benefits that I am not getting.

How Quitting Alcohol Transformed My Cycling  [YouTube] - I mainly enjoy the relaxed weekend mornings.

Sites without sound: Oslo leads in quiet, low-emission electric construction - I noticed some electric construction vehicles when I was in Oslo.

PANTHER electric test drive on the race track - Rosenbauer - I like fire engines!

‘I like to break the rules’: Björk on comedy, darkness and the most flamboyant tour of her career - I really like when artists change over time, leaving some fans behind, even if this includes myself.

New Spanish law to "protect" cyclists proposes drivers must slow 20km/h below speed limit before overtaking bike riders - We have the nicest drivers already, let's see if this improves it even more. 

1235. Waro Kishi /// House in Shimogamo /// Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan /// 1992-94 - I have been following this blog for a while. There are many houses I don't like, but this one is nice.

Revisited: just how bad is alcohol for us? [Podcast] - still bad. 

Five years of Covid: Part one and Part two [Podcast] - a review, mostly of the science. 

Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kinds of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time, you might notice common themes, though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.

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