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Rebuilding messaging: How we bootstrapped our platform - how Linkedin is changing to a new messaging platform and database.
Machine Learning for a Better Developer Experience - How Netflix is using machine learning to better handle their logs.
Twitter engineers replacing racially loaded tech terms like 'master,' 'slave' - this is happening in a lot of companies and open source projects and is great to see.
GPT-3 Is Amazing—And Overhyped - the uber regex strikes back
hacker-laws - all of them on one place. I discovered them through the Changelog: Laws for hackers to live by [Podcast]
Engineering Management
Build vs buy decisions in the age of software abundance
- this is getting worse very day. It is not even "buy" even more, with
so many ready made open source libraries and projects out there.
Uber: Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture -
I am not sure if this will help in the mess that are microservices, but
good luck to them. It is a good article though with some tips for
different company sizes:
In small organizations, the operational benefit likely does not offset the increase in architectural complexity. Furthermore, microservice architectures often require dedicated engineering resources to support which may be out of budget for an early stage company or else suboptimal from a prioritization perspective.
Coronavirus: The great contact-tracing apps mystery - The main mystery for me is why we don't have one in Spain yet, or ideally one that works across Europe. There are multiple open-source versions out there (from Ireland & Germany for example) that could be used, but every country needs to reinvent the wheel and sometime in the future they all will have to be linked up. Also check out the Europe COVID-19 Tracing App Tracker.
Returning to the Office Safely - pretty guide from the OmnicomGroup for their offices.
COVID19aldiaBCN - all the Barcelona COVID-19 stats and maps you will ever need
Radiolab: Dispatches from 1918 [Podcast]
It’s hard to imagine what the world will look like when COVID-19 has passed. So in this episode, we look back to the years after 1918, at the political, artistic, and viral aftermath of the flu pandemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people and left our world permanently transformed.
Garmin services and production go down after ransomware attack - this is probably the worst nightmare for any company. They are still down as I am writing this.
Password Book (Multi-coloured) - at least you are not loosing it to ransom-ware.
The sad, slow-motion death of Do Not Track - kind of expected, the pressure from the other side is too strong.
Schneier: On the Twitter Hack - no comment
Maybe this hack will serve as a wake-up call. But if past incidents involving Twitter and other companies are any indication, it won't. Underspending on security, and letting society pay the eventual price, is far more profitable. I don't blame the tech companies. Their corporate mandate is to make as much money as is legally possible. Fixing this requires changes in the law, not changes in the hearts of the company's leaders.
“Silent majority” of Britons back active travel infrastructure – but vocal minority drown them out - you only need some loud voices to stop progress
'We Heard Birds.' Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on How Lockdown Offered a Glimpse at a Greener City
Episode #250 – In conversation with the rock star of parking, Donald Shoup - He is mostly about proper charging for parking. I agree, but we should also reduce parking and give it back to the people.
Keeping Journals
After coming across one article about journaling recently I decided it might be worth a try. Of course I started with a bit of research first.
There are many articles that say it is probably as good idea. Possibly bordering at being a bit pushy / passive aggressive.
- To Be An Effective Leader Keep A Leadership Journal
- Why You Should Start a Journaling Habit + How to BeginThe More Senior Your Job Title, the More You Need to Keep a Journal
- Want to Be an Outstanding Leader? Keep a Journal.
- To Be An Effective Leader Keep A Leadership Journal
- Transform Your Effectiveness with a Leadership Journal
- This is how journaling can make you a more effective leader
There are some common formats and sometimes people who sell you preformatted notebooks.
In the end I decided to be agile and just start something with the stack of Moleskins and pens I already own.
Random Lawrence
Polishing Lawrence
- I remember when I still found editing Wikipedia pages fun. Now there
is are so many rules and politics involved that I can't be bothered any
more. "Lawrence of Arabia" is a topic by my heart though.
Which productivity method is right for you? - Spoiler alert: it might have to do with Todoist.
JWZ: Recent Movies and TV - jwz watches stuff so I don't have too. Looks like there are some good shows on at the moment though.
Pointless Job Requirements - maybe we have to rethink job ads
What We Learn When Humans Race Against Horses - I listened to a podcast about this once. Humans are amazing, so are horses.
Classical Fix: Nadine Shah - no idea who she is, but this was fun. I also discovered Scott Walker (Scott Walker: Farmer In The City [YouTube]), which made it worth it already.
Friday Links Disclaimer
Inclusion of links does not imply that I agree with the content of linked articles or podcasts. I am just interested in all kind of perspectives. If you follow the link posts over time you might notice common themes though.
More about the links in a separate post: About Friday Links.
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